Lee Sizemore

Quick off the gate, bmx encyclopedia, triple traps, bermshots, shot glasses
Posts from Lee:
Random Youtuber!
read moreJeremie Infelise and Mikey Babbel
read moreJoe Lally
One of the albums that shaped my life pretty heavily was a self-titled album, that this guy Joe played bass on… Here is a pic through a window at a local record store probably at least 20 years after I first heard those tunes…
read moreBamboozled
The other day my buddy Mat got ahold of me to try and locate some bottom brackets and headtubes for a bike he wanted to make…
He explained to me that after 2 years of being disabled from a bad car accident he was trying to ride again. His injury had left his shoulder virtually un usable, but that the weightlessness of riding a vert ramp, getrads were still possible, and pumping the ramp worked. He then explained how he outfitted a brace, attaching his elbow somehow to his hip, and could ride, even though he is essentially doing it one handed. Further explanation, brought him to the point where in testing his limits, and having to think new about it, and unlearn, and relearn, and that a regular bike would confuse him into thinking he could ride like he used to…. Solution? make an alternative bike out of bamboo. Bamboo has a high tensile strength, and way different qualities than chromoly, so he would basically have to be real careful, in order to enjoy the ride…
These are a few pics from one of my favorite, and most inspiring pioneers of free thinking and awesomeness, Mat Hoffman. Below Is Mat shredding the ramp at his home in Oklahoma, and A Doctor Seuss inspired Poem about his Bike, that he wrote for his children, and shared with me….
Thanks Mat…
– Steve Crandall
read moreOne Man Band
Really Interesting!
Gull- www.myspace.com/gullface
read moreWelcome to The Least Most
“The only thing new, is you finding out about something. Like nothing’s really new, but you reinvent it for yourself and find your inner voice.” – Mike Watt
Keep posted if you like bikes, music, art, photography, hill bombs, adventure, and so on…
read moreThis is Mike Santana…
… and you’re about to find out how awesome this dude is.
Can you tell us your name, age, hometown, how long you have been into bmx, and what do you do for a job?
Miguel David Esparza, 38.5 years old, I pay a mortgage in Austin, TX, I call it home. I’ve been into the bmx since the late ’70s. Poppin wheelies, buildin jumps, breakin bikes.
What makes Austin, Austin?
This one time I was tryin to throw an old tire onto the street light in front of my place (not easy) and a guy drives by in a big ol’ fancy grey benz mad doggin’ me, then pulls into the parking lot gets out all corporate and walks over to me. I think he’s about to give me shit about the light or whatever, instead he says, “can i try that?” I gave him three tries and he missed. I keep Austin, Austin.
How have you seen Austin change over the years?
When I first moved to town you’d ride around and see people with baggy pants on and seat posts, and peeps were all about high fives.
Can you compare Austin today to Austin 10 years ago?
Now tight pants, negative seat posts, and peeps are all about poundin’. Plus there’s wall ride marks on walls that 10 years ago never would’ve been considered, thanks Ruben…
Music and bicycles seem a big part of the culture in Austin, how come?
Everyone rides around with iPods on full blast then if you ride bikes it’s maybe cuz you want to be a rock star, if you’re a rock star you maybe wanna ride your bike on walls and shit, so then you move to Austin. Start diggin your own secret spot get your feeb grid on at the c ledge, then start a band with some dudes you met at the spot. maybe…
What are some of the parallels between bike and music lifestyles?
Both seem kinda dirty, the need to get out and spread that dirtyness, and meet other people that are equally or even more dirty than the ones they are already familiar with…
Local bands you dig?
There’s a band called “brown out” I like a lot they play trippy mexifunk, a friend luis is in a band called “THE ALWAYS ALREADY” their sound is kinda hard to pin down it has this timeless sound about it where you can’t tell when it came out. sorta like the “gang of four” or early cure. the “GHOSTLAND OBSERVATORY” are also from austin and worth checkin out… and spoon is another band i listen to all the damn time… tia carrera always comes across with it!!!
non local bands? i like UGK , they’re from houston, outkast, early man, whatever i like all kindz of music
on their topics –how about instead of facebook we have hatebook, then you can directly hate on the shit that gets to you whatever it may be…how ’bout mentioning gettin all wasted all the time, and how it’s not that awesome ruining your weekend because pints were only 2 dollars on thurs….that’s all i got for now ….
Tell us about Tia Carrera
There was one time where they were playin and i was sittin at a table with an empty pint glass in front of me, they were heavy into their 38 minute song and i was watching the glass slowly sliding from the vibrations across the table then at just the right time, CRASH!! on the floor perfect with the music. i thought “damn tia carrera shatters glass when they play…
Who do you like to ride with?
I like to ride with whoever’s not takin themselves too serious that day, bike ridin is supossed to be fun i and i’m not into killin myself or watchin someone kill themselves tryin to get that sponsor me video done. BIG ROB is a good example of this. we showed up at the bastrop pool one time and these kids were there (like always) one of ’em sez to the other “you ready to go?” and the kid sez “nah i wanna watch that scarry dude ride” then look and rob’s throwin a sick feebskid 180to heavy laughter on the train track…
What riders get you stoked?
livin here you get to ride with the most talented people on bikes in the world
Any good Gute Stories?
We drove a box jump on a trailer to victoria tx for a show at some carnival, it was a payin gig and at the end of the demo some guy comes out and hands got some cash, he turns around and gives me $75 it was the first and only time i ever got paid for bustin tabes, then we got all blazed and rode the scary ass carnny rides. the goot sold me a honda for $1 and five lonestars (i drank one), then i was givin steve o a ride and he goes ” didn’t this used to be goots car ? we were drivin on the tracks one time like a train and it got stuck and we had to get it off before the train came… ” i guess they did.
How about Lee Sultimeier?
Lee calls me when there’s a big game on tv seeing if i want to put money on either side, i’ve won some and come home to find $50 under the door matt ,lost some then had him callin me daily to pay up, i’m not that big on the gamblin scene…
Any shoutouts or words of wisdom?
Shoutouts to whoever it is puttin those highass wallride marks…words of wisdom=when you’re ridin home from the bar after last-call feelin all good about life, just ride home. joe and ruben are not gonna put you on the team cuz you’re gonna whip the church gap at 2:38 in the morning, just go home drink some water and go to bed…
people get killed ridin home drunk, the best you can do is survive …
Pics By James Stevens, Bob Quirk, Steve Crandall
Check out Liquor Bikes bonus section from Gypsy Tour
Liquor Bikes Gypsy Bonus from Least Most on Vimeo.
History Lesson With Large Ray!
In 2001 the X. games were in Philadelphia, and we had about 150 friends who we needed to get in to the event so we stole a friends and family pass from a well-known rider, went back to a friend of ours reprographics shop and made 200 friends and family passes. We were then able to infiltrate prime seating and started some type of raucous. Every once in a while Matt Hoffman and Steve Swope looked up at our group and I think they figured out what we did but were too busy to do anything about it
Gainesville Fest part 2
Wrapping up the Fest , the final day of Halloween weekend 2009…
This Bike Is a Pipe Bomb, at the Common Ground.
Q and A with Tony Foresta- (No Friends, Municipal Waste…)
1. What’s the Fest all about? ( in your interpretation)
For me its about meeting up with good friends from all over the place and going to see some killer bands as well. Each year get’s more and more meaningful to me because you know that it may be the only chance that year that your going to be able to see people and bands that you really care about.
2. Can you tell us about playing at the fest, and was this your first time?
I’ve played 3 gigs at the fest. 2 with Municipal Waste and 1 with No Friends. I’ve never played a set there I didn’t love. There is a different vibe to these shows than your average punk gig. Not to sound like a hippie but there genuinely is a positive energy with the fest that you just cant get anywhere else. It must be from all that beer going around.
3. Any outrageous moments you’d like to share?
I really liked the year we (Municipal Waste) dressed up for our gig in our Halloween costumes. I dressed up as a gay Klu Klux Klan member. I thought it was going to be pretty offensive but nobody cared. Ganesville has changed a lot over the past 8 years.
4. Any Bands that stood out to you or got you stoked?
This year I really enjoyed Banner Pilot, 7 seconds, Virgins and of course Asshole Parades set is always a great time.
5. were there any bands you hadn’t seen that you got excited about?
I would have to say that Worlds blew me away. They were so punishing. I wasn’t expecting the ass kicking I recieved.
6. Shoutouts?
Great job Cam and Tony! Get Tegan and Sara and DRI to play next year…together!
No Friends, at Market Street.
Samiam, Last Night of the Fest, at the Venue!
Long Drive Home… The End!
Check www.thefestfl.com to see whats up for next year.
read moreThe Forgetters
On Sunday December 13th, at an old firehall converted into a gallery/showplace I got the chance to see the Forgetters, and a few other bands…. Under the watchful eye of a 20 foot Spider in the ceiling wearing a santa hat, and in the midst of mid afternoon 3 dollar tall boys, I got to witness a legend.
Like Many I grew up on Jawbreaker, made my comparison’s to jets To Brazil, got the live recording of Thorns of Life, and so on…
This new project, featuring Blake Schwarzenbach (guitar/vocals), Caroline Paquita (bass), Kevin Mahon (drums), was my first chance to see one of the guys who helped shape my life. Ever since I saw Headfirst, with Jawbreaker’s ‘Softcore’ blasting, Chad Herrington riding Honda Hills, and Vic Murphy’s timeless table top in slow motion at Mission Trails, I’d developed a tick for that sound.
I wasn’t familiar with the songs, but the show was fun, and I enjoyed it. Sounds Good…
The Ergs! (Record review)
The Ergs!/The Measure[SA]-Split 7″(s)
So The Ergs! are obviously going to the same recording studio in Mexico that 2PAC has been chilling at. The band has released a couple of records since their break-up last year and apparently there is more to come. I remember reading about this split at the bottom of the No Idea site for a while and eagerly have been anticipating it’s arrival. I ended up scoring a bunch of stuff from No Idea for my score and grabbed a copy of this slab o’ wax for myself. When I went to put it on the record play I notice that is said side C and D and was wondering what this nonsense was about. I then went to check the pressing info (thank you No Idea for doing this for us nerds!) out and found out that The Ergs and The Measure had fooled all of us instead of just having one split there are 2 versions out there.
These tricksters made a cover with Chevy Chase and Norm McDonald and flipped out the 2 bands names on both versions so they look pretty identical but those with a quick eye can see what is going on. On the records with Side A and Side B, each band covers the first song from each other from Side C and D, plus another song by each band. The highlight of these 7″s for me is The Ergs’ cover of the Measure’s Workage, it sounds like a classic Ergs style song with a good Dub tone to it. The Measure’s Songs are great and do a choice job of the Male/Female Vocals in an appropriate way between the songs.
The sadness of the Ergs departure will always be there, but there is a ray of light with the Measure continuing to crank hits out and hopefully not stopping soon. If you find yourself with one of these records immediately seek out it’s sister, brother, cousin, friend or what not so you may be complete. The Sneakiness and Quality Tunes of this gets an A+++++.
– Curtis www.rorschachrecords.net
read morePedal to the Metal
The story of a hot and humid bicycle journey to “The Fest” in Gainesville, Florida.
Sexy Crimes- aka Joel and Cassidy in St. Augustine…Have a time.
Halloween weekend for the past 8 years in Gainesville, has been a crazy Rock and Roll Weekend known simply as “The Fest” , the history of the mayhem is reported on their site, heres an excerpt- THE FEST is a culmination of bands and friends from all over. converging for a few days of pure insanity all over the fine city of Gainesville, FL. The first one took place May 24th and 25th of 2002 and was thought to have gone down in history as the drunkest and rowdiest time ever to be had in Gainesville”
For my friends And I, this year meant driving down the coast, obviously stopping at South of The Border for no reason, and making a Bee line for St. Augustine, for a pre Fest show, and some hang out ime with Jacob, and the guys from Environmental Youth Crunch, Tubers, Vicious Fishes, etc….
After a Bar room show, featuring Sexy Crimes, some cheap beers and a good vegetarian menu, we crashed for the night, with the plan being to wake up early and ride the 70-80 miles through part of Florida, on our bicycles, and spend the next 4 days in Gainesville, watching some of our favorite bands….
Early A.M. arrived way earlier than I had hoped, due to a variety of sleep interruptions, including car doors slamming, drunk arguments, vomiting, and a hard wood floor to name a few, but spirits were still good, so we got ready, left out the dirt road/driveway just moments from where Ponce De Leon thought he discovered the fountain of youth.
The ride out of St. Augustine was mellow, albeit I was really tired, not really feeling up for the task, nor in peak physical condition. The 4 of us taking the bike trip headed west on route 206, a flat, semi boring logging truck route, that seemed to either be plastered in debris falling off of a recently logged forest, or just a mess in general.
I wasn’t sure if it was humid and warm as the day started, or if I was sweating out the beer I had indulged in the night before, But it was a sweaty ride none the less, and it seemed like each mile was earned, even though there weren’t really any hills.
Somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty miles or so into the trip, we all stopped at a gas station, for drinks, restrooms, and a unanimous decision that it was REALLY hot and super humid. Rinsing off in the bathroom, in rural Florida, i soon realized the definition of “farty water” as i smelled and tasted the sulphur.
We were soon on route 207 west heading towards Palatka, almost a half way point. Admitting that it was hot did nothing to help my less than eager condition, but counting dead frogs on the highway did amuse me some
Palatka sits on the banks of the St, Johns river, and the bridge to get across it was the biggest hill we rode, the west side of that river was Angel’s Diner, Florida’s oldest Diner, described as a genuine unrepentant hash house, serving cheap eats round the clock…
Lunch included Bottomless Iced Tea, Fried Pickles, string beans and onion rings, and we also enjoyed burgers, crabcakes, huge side salads and more….
Palatka also had one of those Digital bank signs with the time and temperature, it was somewhere around noon, 90 degrees, and threatening rain.
The ride out of that tiny Florida town, put us on route 100, another logging road, but with more trucks, more debris, and an even shittier riding surface, on a shoulder with seemingly unlimited rumble strips to wake up drunk floridian motorists, and sketch out squirrely cyclists.
At some point, I swore I saw a roadkill version of  a baby Alligator, but I didn’t stop to investigate, I later asked if it was possible, and was assured it likely was. I have never seen a real life Alligator, but that night I ate one in Gainesville after arriving late afternoon, showering at our friend Keith’s house heading over to Boca Fiesta, where he was working that night…
Before dinner, we booked a room in the center of town at the Hotel- Everybody, and walked the stammering 2 blocks to a killer Mexi-American dinner bar, owned in part by Warren, who used to play drums in Againts Me.Â
Beers were cheap, the food was good, Hi fives and laugh’s were Shared, and it seemed the Fest had officially Started….
The First Show was Some Metal….
Magrudergrind- Common Ground, First night of the Fest…
To Be continued….
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