Lee Sizemore

Quick off the gate, bmx encyclopedia, triple traps, bermshots, shot glasses
Posts from Lee:
Good Cause
Full sales proceeds to the Stephen Murray recovery fund.
Ralph Stollenwerk
Jeff “Ralph” Stollenwerk is part of the known unknown, submerged in the subculture of Philadelphia bike riding, art , music and beer swilling scene. Some people may recognize from his Fuji gig in Las vegas ( Cycling screen printing machine), and some people may recognize his art from the BMX industry for the past 10 years with such companies as Little Devil, Orchid, Square One, Harvest, S&M, FIT, FBM, Shitluck and so on…. Awesome Dudes Printing, Crucial Brutal
Berlin Bicycle #1 printed on wood
Fernando’s Bike printed on wood
Fixer Upper Bridge printed on wood
Lucero screenprinted show poster
Murder City Devils screenprinted show poster, collaboration with Mike Munter
my fishing tattoo – Reel Cool, tattoo by Steve T. at Olde City Tattoo
screenprinted show posters
Berlin Bicycle #2 printed on wood
Shaky’s Bike printed on wood
My Truck!
I love my truck so much, that I got my truck painted on the driver side door of my truck!
read moreD.I.Y. Riverboat Video
In Case you didn’t notice the video in the new feature titled- “Going Nowhere Slow”, Here’s the video from part 1 of that story.
read moreBand Photo
I shot this at a garage performance during a rainstorm, when Torche Played at the Bike Lot… No clue if this is them or one of the bands that played before them that day. If anyone can tell, email us.
5’s With Catfish
top 5’s WIth Zack Yankush!
If you are involved in BMX, and you haven’t heard of Zack “Catfish” Yankush, you have likely heard him, on the Television, and over a loudspeaker at one of many high Profile events. Here’s a few with Zack…
Name-Zack Yankush
Age- Somewhere between 22-37
Years riding-22
Sponsors-DK Bicycles, Nike 6.0, Monster Energy, Fox, Arnette Sunglasses, Nooka Watches
Top 5 deviations of your nickname-
1. Catpiss
2. Catshit
3. Catdog
4. Catdick
5. Grandpa
Top 5 Overall Riders in the history of BMX-
1. Kevin Jones
2. Mat Hoffman
3. Rick Moliterno
4. Chase Gouin
5. Dave Mirra
Top 5 travel destinations-
1. Hawaii/Tallinn
2. Estonia/ Shanghai
3. China/ Monaco
4. Xenia Ohio
5. Southern California
Top 5 travel companions-
1. Brian Kachinsky
2. Brian Hunt
3. Dane Beardsley
4. Quinn Semling
5. Rooftop
Top 5 reasons to love Lou Bickel-
1. He’s doing it for Albert street
2. He’s awesome on a bike
3. Best bodyguard/friend on the earf
4. He had a twisted sister tattoo on his foot that he got when he was like 13. After a long time of people making fun of him- he removed it with a belt sander.
5. The number one reason to love Lou Bickle. -One time we were street riding and we rolled up to a church. They were having some kind of meeting but Lou didn’t care. He walked up to the front doors, pulls them both open and at the top of his lungs he yells ‘Does Jesus run this motherfucker HELLLL YEAH’ and then we ran.
Top 5 events you have Emcee’d-
1. Simpel Session
2. Empire of Dirt
3. Nora Cup with Bill Allan (Cru Jones) AND Stephan Murray on the same stage
4. Bikes over Baghdad Tour in Iraq
5. X games
Top 5 movies-
1. Rad
2. Monsters of Suburban Highlife
3. Trend video
4. Aggroman
5. 101 freestyle tricks part 2
Top 5 Conspiracy Theories-
1. Chem-trails (systematic population control)
2. The Haarp project (Caused the Haiti earthquake)
3. 9/11 (if you don’t think it was an inside job I hope a plane flies into you)
4. The power elite (Zeitgeist the movie WATCH THIS)
5. The Annunaki (this is your Jesus Christ)
Top 5 things to do in las vegas-
1. Shoot uzis
2. Last 4 letters of my last name
3. Ride Anthem
4. Wheel of Fortune slot machines
5. Wear a kangaroo suit.
Top 5 Awesome Things-
1. BMX
2. Friends
3. laughing
4. nudity
5. Life.
Kangaroo suit.. Vegas!
read moreGuess Who?
From Large Ray’s Large archive of photos.
Print is dead!
The debate between Print Media and It’s online counterparts, seems be a topic discussed more often online than anywhere else. The idea that Print is dead, is fine by me, and can hang out with the age old catch phrases- Disco’s not dead, it just sucks real bad…” or “punk’s dead- your next”.
Regardless, the independent spirit, and the DIY ethic will never die, and with that, I am glad to bring up several new print zines of stellar presence, Born Ugly Mag, HoleShot, and most recently Case Magazine out of the UK. All filled with original content, great photos and layouts, and done out of a labor of love, rather than as an attempted return on investment.
Check out these sites-
Born ugly Mag
Case Magazine
and learn more about creativity, execution, and awesomeness!
Good Music, Good Cause…
Confirmed bands-Billy Bragg, Dr. Dog, The Mountain Goats, Rogue Wave, Delta Spirit, Senses Fail, Anti-Flag, Man Man, Dead Prez, 7 Seconds, Kimya Dawson, Torche, Anvil, Japanther, Strike Anywhere, Cymbals Eat Guitars, Sea Wolf, Dr. Octagon AKA Kool Keith, Dead Confederate, A Wilhelm Scream, Portugal. the Man, Samiam, Leatherface, Crime in Stereo, Matt Pond PA, Dead to Me, Smoke or Fire, Fruit Bats, Bear in Heaven, Freelance Whales, Broadway Calls, Cobra Skulls, Small Brown Bike, Glint, Stars of Track and Field, Danielson, Twin Tigers, Black Sheep, Rev. Peyton’s Big Damn Band, James Husband (of Montreal), Signals (ex-The Mae Shi), Ortolan, Mercury Program, Off With Their Heads, The Loved Ones, Past Lives, forgetters, Andrew Jackson Jihad, Assholeparade, Defiance Ohio, Chris Wollard & the Ship Thieves, Bomb the Music Industry!, Dear Landlord, Young Livers, David Rovics, The Riot Before, This Bike is a Pipebomb, Des Ark, Ben Davis & The Jett$, Shellshag, Weatherbox, Holopaw, Hawks & Doves, Angelo Spencer, The Blacklist Royals, Lemuria, The Measure [sa], Paul Baribeau, Algernon Cadwallader, Your Heart Breaks, Fin Fang Foom, Yula Beeri, The Future Virgins, Good Luck, The Menzingers, Capsule, Ben & Vesper, Jon Snodgrass, Austin Lucas, Mike Hale, Street Eaters, O Pioneers!, Army of Ponch, Virgins, Gatorface, Protagonist, American Cheeseburger, Savage Brewtality, Brainworms, New Bruises, Tubers, Cory Branan, Look Mexico, Yesterday’s Ring, Whiskey & Co., Worn in Red, Ninja Gun, Grabass Charlestons, FIYA, Spanish Gamble, Anchor Arms, How Dare You, Slow Claw, Heads Held High, The Casting Out, Low Red Land, The Itchy Hearts, Yardwork, Panthro UK United 13, Mumpsy, The Beauvilles, The Tim Version, Tiltwheel, Dan Padilla, The Future Now, D.P., City of Ships, Sloane Peterson, Too Many Daves, Pretty Boy Thorson, Nut Nut, Ornate Escape, and Mike Bernos.
Learn More at www.harvestofhopefest.com
read moreVinyl
Check out pressing of some great tunes like this Mouthbreather/Environmental Youth Crunch-Split Repress at www.rorschachrecords.net
read morePhoto Feature: Chad Kagy
When people bring up the name Chad Kagy, a floodgate of images opens up. X-games big Air Gold Medalist, Dew Tour Winner, a long-standing BMX professional on many levels. Some of the Kagy images less likely to get the attention of a flip-whip over a huge death gap, are the ones Chad shoots himself, throughout his worldly travels, and at home in State College, PA with his family, and his surroundings.
Surviving as long as Chad has in the BMX game, with sponsor changes, personal hardships, and gnarly injuries like a broken neck, prove that he, the boy from Gilroy, is as tough and dedicated as any rider out there. Like professionals in any arena, Chad has learned life’s lessons the hard way, and picked up some valuable insight along the way, as well as an eye for some amazing photographs. Enjoy.
I like to test out different lighting effects and write down how I make the image look a certain way so I can use the lighting in the future when I have someone to shoot other than myself. I get bored and want to pass the time creatively.
This photograph was in Queenstown, New Zealand of a rare calm Lake Wakatipu. The crystal clear blue lake and clear sky make for a great reflection of the glacier cut mountain range. One of my favorite locations in the world.
This was a vert comp inside of an opera house in Wellington New Zealand on a freshly painted Red Bull ramp. Everything looked so perfect and clean, not often they let a bunch of dirty BMXers and skaters inside an opera house so it was a one of a kind event. The acoustics made the crowd sound amazing too.
Chris Doyle got a pretty good shiner, when I went over to see what was wrong he rolled up his pant leg and from where I was I started laughing. Not from his pain but from the irony of a Demolition pedal demolishing his leg.
This is a photo of an X-ray of my neck a few months after surgery. Got to look at the big picture and it may have sucked to break my neck but it stopped me from doing a few tricks I had in my head that could have killed me. It also made me re-evaluate how I ride to become a better and safer rider.
I drive around where I live to find interesting locations to shoot photographs and found a large foundation with rubble all around and somehow just this doorway was standing. It’s the doorway to nowhere during a good sunset.
Woodward has always been a playground for me and other big kids but having my son with me showed me how much of a playground Woodward really is.
Vert comp in Berlin a few years ago had us in the city for a few days so a group of us went exploring and found the Holocaust Memorial. Wish a fish-eye lens and a timer I made this image with Franciso Zurita, Mike Mancuso & Eduardo Terreros.
I went to Mexico City in 2006 to be the first BMXer to do a Demo with the Mega Ramp crew and when I got to the top I saw this view. The real problem I had with this was being the only bike rider meant I had to try to gauge my speed from the skaters & had a sketchy roll in to say the least. I loved it.
Morgan Wade asked me if I’d like to go shoot some street riding with him while he was in State College. That’s not an offer I was willing to pass up, anything with Morgan & a bike is a good time and should be pretty wild. Over double peg with a landing through a brick doorway.
Brandon Dosch was at camp learning some new tricks and was kind enough to do them over and over to try different angles. We liked this shot the best.
Seth Klinger has some damn good skills and makes shooting photos of his riding easy. This shot however was luck since I was shooting someone riding the other direction but pushed the button for the hell of it when he clicked a look-back and liked how it came out. Sometimes accidents are the best thing to spark creativity.
I had my son with me at Woodward riding bikes and we took a break to sit on a ramp and watch a few guys ride around. Similar style shoes and sitting with our feet together made me smile and think “like father, like son”.
Harry Leary Turbo
In 1988 I bought a Harry Leary Turbo off this kid for $50. It was brand-new, he got for his barmitzvah and didn’t didn’t even know what BMX was. I raced it once and bent the cranks right off it and took out the whole gate except one guy. I made it into a freestyle bike and entered 2 or 3 AFA contests on it, with one Moto mag on the back, a tuff wheel on the front and a whole bunch of bad pegs. I eventually threw it in the trash. A couple of weeks ago I was talking to a guy who restores Bikes and he knows somebody overseas who bought one for over $25,000.
When I got the bike from the kid it was right out of the box and never ridden I should have left the bike up in my attic…- Ray Schlechtweg