Korey Kryder

Engineer by Day, Thrasher by Night.
Posts from Korey:
Winter Escape to Casselberry
With all of us anticipating the northeast’s brutal winter (not-so much this year), we made our annual pilgrimage down south. Sans a particular person losing his bike and phone (and dignity) one night at the bar, the trip was relaxing and allowed us to do a lot of riding. These were what we captured while we spent 10 days over new years.
The first night there, we went to the local track which hosted a fundraiser for the 71N trails (aka Casselberry). Being my first time on a track, I barely made it through without hyper ventilating but the other guys had a blast shredding the track like it was a set of trails in their backyard.
Will fired out this whip first go, like it was nothing. That’s easily a 30 foot table top.
That night everybody from the track headed to a “special” diner in town which was run by Transvestites. Food was a little pricey, but good, and they served cotton candy with the check. JPR’s mind was blown.
New Years wasn’t as crazy as last year, but Ryan Herbach put together a little montage from the party. That can be watched HERE.
We got to Kona a little late New Years day and with only about 15 minutes to spare and no light, we manage to quickly grab these clicks before driving home.
The following night we got to session this Monster. Concrete Surfin’ at its finest.
Tables. oh, and a bar hump for good measure.
The next set of photos were all taken at the Casselberry house of various members of the crew.
The remainder of the time we spent hanging out on the beach and getting in trouble. We carried around a couple film cameras to capture these moments as they occurred.
Hope you enjoyed the Gallery and we’ll see ya’ll next year! KK
read moreKorey’s Klick of the Week
Trevor did this burly rail IN THE PITCH BLACK the same night as the last Klick of the Week. So crazy, it goes immediately into a huge hill bomb too, Respect!
read moreKorey’s Klick of the Week
Joel Barnett, Disaster in Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. One of my favorite days this summer.
The Weekend Warrior (Finale)
So after a lot of thought and planning, I decided for my last road trip of 2011, I was going to attempt to pull off a 1600 mile road trip in a single weekend. Milwaukee and the midwest in general have been on my travel bucket list for a long time and I figured why the hell not. The trip went something like this:
I left Syracuse, NY around 6PM Friday afternoon and struck a blizzard in Erie which slowed me down to 35MPH on the unplowed PA section of 90 West. I made a quick call to my pal Souva and decided to wait for things to clear up in the morning. Woke up around 10AM, and after a quick stop at Chick-Fil-A, I was on the road for the quick 2 hour drive to Cleveland Ray’s.
I’ll divert you to my previous “Dudes in Ohio” article for coverage on Cleveland Ray’s since I didn’t take any pictures inside. (I was only halfway to my intended destination anyway!). After meeting up with TMA’s Jimmy Barnicle and shredding all day, around 7PM I decided I needed to hit the road; but not without getting some of cleveland’s finest, MELT! I had to wait an hour for my sandwich, but it was a necessary evil with another 7+ hour leg of my trip ahead of me to Milwaukee. Highly recommended, just get there early!
This drive was mostly a blur of doing 80MPH past corn fields and run down barns, but once I hit Chicago, shit got CRAZY! I have never driven on the Chicago Skyway prior, and with cars going in excess of 100MPH on a packed 5 lane highway at 230AM in the morning, I was in complete awe. This kept up for almost 20 minutes, before finally getting out of the city limits and onward to Milwaukee.
So at this point, it’s about 430AM Sunday, and I finally make it to Milwaukee… with no where to stay. In true road trip fashion, I do a quick search for Walmart on the Garmin and found a suitable spot. I fall asleep but was quickly awoken to single digit temperatures and some asshole banging on my window. So it was time for Plan B – Grocery Store. I drive across town to a Piggly Wiggly, where this time I actually got to sleep for about 3 hours. I will let you in on a little secret: if you’re stuck and need to sleep in your car in the dead of winter, it can run all night on about a quarter tank of gas, roughly. Just fill the tank to be safe. Regardless of how much you burn, it’ll always be cheaper than a hotel.
In the morning, I got myself a big ass cup of coffee and explored downtown Milwaukee for a while. It’s the birth place of the Champagne of Beers; Miller High Life, not to mention other 40 ounce classics such as Beast Ice and Old English! Luckily, PBR had moved out in 2006, or I might have ended up never coming back.
Once I finally made it to Ray’s, I met up with Brooke, the person who, more or less, gave me the idea of making the trip. I followed her around the park a few times to figure the lines out, and holy smokes, the girl rips. She had all the lines, even the big stuff, completely wired and made it look super easy.
It also so happened to be Bike Night and a whole crowd came out including a bunch of the Division dudes. I tried to keep up with Brooke and her friends but continued to be left in the dust. I was even actually talked in jumping the large expert stuff a few times where I’m pretty sure i bent my left pedal nose casing a landing. Oh, the woes of a street rider.
Trying my luck in the park was not much success either, but watching everyone rip the place to shreds was worth the drive alone. I was so busy riding around the place, that I completely forgot to take any photos of all the shredding, which as I’m writing this, hate myself for. Oh well, just another excuse to go back.
Milwaukee Ray’s is super fun. After riding Cleveland Ray’s so many times, the new layout and park rekindled old feelings of my first trips out west.
Information about Milwaukee, WI:
Approximate Travel Time (from Syracuse, NY): 13 freakin’ hours… ONE WAY!
Random Fact: Interstate 90’s speed limit turns to 70MPH once you get outside of Cleveland heading west.
Riding: Home to Four Seasons Skatepark and Ray’s MTB 2. Walking around downtown also yielded a lot of exciting finds street wise. With some heavy hitters coming out of this city, you know there’s stuff there. If you ever did get burned out, Chicago is about 1 Hour and 45 Minutes south.
Favorite Place for Food/Drink: All I ate was chicken and red bull the entire weekend.
Don’t Forget Your… : Caffine Pills. This was not a drive for anyone to do solo with even half a brain. I’ve lost mine and I do not suggest recreating this.
Quick Story : So I didn’t think it was possible to do in a weekend, but I’ve exceeded certain thresholds for a single person driving distance wise in under 3 days. In 71 hours, I drove 1606 miles, which breaks down to about 25 MPH nonstop for 3 days straight. With a flight and rental car, I would have saved almost 50 bucks, when compared to gas and tolls. Getting together a group of dudes and sharing the driving and expenses can make this a much more enjoyable trip. The 13 hour straight shot home was an absolute nightmare that I do not plan on attempting again.
Shout outs to Brooke and all the locals, including the old school Chenga guys that were willing to take out the dice once again to rob me my money in 4-5-6. I will without a doubt be doing everything I can to make my way back there this winter.
These photos were shot on a Nikon F100/18-35f3.5/Portra 400VC, Nikon D7000/10.5f2.8, and an iPhone4. You can also follow these adventures in real time by following me on Twitter: @koreysayshi
read moreKorey’s Klick of the Week
Will Bruce, Opposite Whip, Abandoned Apartment Complex, Syracuse, NY
Bronica SQ-Ai / 150 f4 / Portra 400NC
Bonus picture / Second Angle:
Nikon F100 / 80-200 f2.8 / Portra 400VC
Korey’s Klick of the Week
It’s Back!
I took this one of Mario last Spring. Random School, Syracuse, NY.
read moreThe Weekend Warrior (Part 3)
So after taking most of the summer off to allow the shoulder to heal, I figured it was time to get the oil changed, buy some tires, and get that inspection I’ve been putting off for months and hit the road. For this third installment of the Weekend Warrior series, we drove to Taunton, MA to check out the Skater’s EDGE skatepark.
Breaking away from the usual, I decided to take video of everything and put together a 2 minute edit of the stuff that went down at the skatepark.
Will and I left Friday afternoon and swung by Albany to scoop up Devon. He had a friend in Boston for us to stay with, and with it only being 45 minutes or so from the skatepark, it seemed like a good idea. Thanks again if you’re reading this. I gotta say, the dorms at NorthEastern University are insane! Check out that view in the second photo!
After a couple of drinks and only a few hours of sleep, at 930 we drove from Boston to Taunton, Mass. where we excited to get in the HUGE park and get to shredding. It was 25 bucks for a all day pass, but considering we had 12 hours there, the price seemed fair. In between destroying everything in the park, Devon found some time to help out the local Grom’s and teach them the basics such as dropping in (I should have taken notes).
Information about Taunton, MA:
Approximate Travel Time (from Syracuse, NY): 6 hours flat.
Random Fact: I don’t think I saw a single stop sign in the whole city, even at 4-way intersections. The traffic circle in the middle of the city had 4 blinking yellow lights, and was about 5 lanes wide with no lines. People just seemed to ‘know’ when it was their turn. I know if this existed in Upstate, NY, people would die everyday.
Riding: It’s almost directly between Boston, MA and Providence, RI, which are two huge cities for street riding. There wasn’t much in town riding wise, but the park is definitely worth a stop solely for it’s 7/8 foot tall Vert hotdog bowl with a capsule on the end!
Favorite Place for Brew: Too much driving on this trip to be drinking!
Favorite Place for Pizza: We had pizza in Boston, so we decided on Chinese, and boy what a decision that was. If you’re ever in the area, check out The Golden Dragon. We all ordered General Tso’s meals (D17) and I swear to god, the bag weighed at least 20 pounds. Absolutely he most Chinese food I’ve ever gotten with an order.
Don’t Forget Your… : Appetite. Seriously, there was so much Chinese food, I gave half my meal to the Grom’s.
Quick Story : The intro to the video above is all that needs to be said about Friday night.
I saw this A-frame on the Skater’s EDGE website and got super excited about possibly doing some stuff on it. I attempted some double tire rides over it a few times, and it really got the best of me. I guess there goes my possible Gatorade sponsorship.
After about 11 hours of riding, we were all dead, and with a 3+ hour drive back to Devon’s, we decided to head out. Thanks for checking this issue of Weekend Warrior!
read moreSquare Photos
Bryan Tarbell recently loaned me his Bronica SQ-A after my recent obsession with film photography. I ran around for about the last 2 months putting a couple rolls of film through her and learning more about manual photography, which is a totally different game from my DSLR’s. Once I had the developed photos in hand, a medium format camera instantly shot to the top of my wish list. If you have any interest in photography, I highly recommend trying one out, the 120 size negatives/slides are almost twice as big as your normal 35mm film! Everything here was shot with a 150mm f4 lens and Kodak Portra 160NC and 400 speed film. Enjoy!
Shout out to Defgrip for using the following photo as their “Flickr Find” yesterday.
The Weekend Warrior (Part 2)
Well as my luck goes, I destroyed my shoulder right as summer was coming into full swing. Couldn’t ride the bike or do anything active. Before I got stir crazy waiting to heal, Joel Barnett pitched the idea of going down to his home and shooting some guns and just having a good ole fashion country weekend. With nothing to lose (well except an eye, but I’ll get to that later), we loaded up our vehicles and headed on down to Pennsylvania.
As soon as we show up, Joel nonchalantly mentioned that “this house used to be a Funeral Home“. Whoa. I immediately inquired further. Come to find out the living room is where they displayed the casket (pure irony), although the remodel did a very good job of taking away that creepy feeling. The front of the house has 3 different doors. Joel mentioned that the towns people were superstitious and believed that the body couldn’t be taken out the same door it entered through. The idea behind that was to keep the spirit in the house and not let it wander around haunting the crap out of people. We did not see any ghost the night we stayed.
The next morning over breakfast, I glance out the window and have the second jaw-dropping moment of my trip. The MegaRamp of water slides is built out of wood right next door to his house! Holy Smokes. The pictures do not do this thing justice. Joel’s father is a pastor and the church is located right next door where they have Vacation Bible School every summer. On the last night they have water night, which was perfect timing for us, since everything was set up and ready to rock. Joel and Mario put on a show for a while before heading off to shoot some guns.
The nice part about visiting rural areas that us city slickers don’t get to [legally] enjoy is guns. Joel did not let us down, unleashing a barrage of shotguns, as well as a .45 Caliber handgun, nicknamed “The Judge”. Joel took aim at Turkey, and buried two heavy slugs but it failed to budge. You’ll get him next time, bud.
Under the watchful eye on Joel’s neighbor Ken, we set up several targets to take aim at, as well as a few clay pigeons to enhance our shooting experience. Ken took a liking to Theresa, and pulled out a special 357 scoped-out handgun for her which he confided had “no recoil”. She was not prepared, and took the scope of the gun straight to the eye and broke her sunglasses. Fortunately, she laughed it off and was only left with one hell of a shiner.
Facts about West Auburn, Pennsylvania (via a quick improv interview with Joel)
Travel time from Syracuse? About an hour and 45 minutes
Random fact about your town? We have the best blueberry patch around; Blueberry Haven
Is there anywhere to ride near you? Nope. The closest skateparks were East Coast Terminal [R.I.P.] (40 min) and Rocky’s (45min). I always had front yard ramps and that was the place to be!
Local watering hole? The Hayloft
Local pizza shop? Our kitchen. My family makes some awesome pizza!
Crazy story about your town/area? We get people taking the corner too wide all the time and hitting trees and telephone poles. There are more 4-wheelers and dirt-bikes that go by my house than regular cars.
Any cool or neat stuff I missed about your home/family/town? We have an old schoolhouse that is pretty cool. On the hill across from my house, there are a bunch of small caves and we always built forts in them and just explored. I don’t know, the whole area is just awesome. We don’t have cell service, so you feel disconnected from the world. I love that feeling. We have a dialed apple orchard up the road that kills it with their cider. I can’t wait for fall!
We wrapped up the trip with some fabulous Chicken Dinners from Luke’s Place, Joel’s Brothers awesome restaurant. A HUGE thanks to the Barnett’s for all the hospitality. Not a bad way to spend a day or two in the middle of nowhere! I’m almost healed up and hopefully will have a few more big trips to post up on here before the end of summer.
read moreThe Weekend Warrior (Part 1)
Needing to get away from the city life, I decided I was going to head into Manchester, Vermont for some hiking, riding, and swimming. No trip in the woods would be complete without someone to save your ass, so I got ahold of Will Bruce to keep me alive while hiking up the Appalachian Trail to Spruce Peak.
The Trail is chock full of wildlife, all sorts of crazy rock formations and plants, and fresh spring water coming out the face of the mountain that tastes better than any bottle of water you’ll ever buy. The Trail can get pretty rough in some places, but packing smart and light and having comfortable shoes can make it a very enjoyable experience.
At the top of the mountain, there’s a municipal cabin for all who hike the trail, complete with bunks, a fireplace, and a table. Within the cabin, there’s a travel log with all kinds of hilarious stories and writings from travelers from the years. This person in particular got stuck in the cabin with a group of Yuppies from New York City and indicates their distaste for pages on end.
After getting a good night’s sleep in the cabin, you can hike back to the cars, where this wonderful gloryhole is only 5 minutes up the road. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t hold for us, but I have these leftovers from Gypsy Tour 3 to show you its real beauty. Deep, fast, and smooth; absolutely perfect to bring along the skateboard and the bike and spend an entire day hanging out and shredding.
Once you’ve worked yourself up an appetite, the small Village of Manchester has an assortment of locally owned shops and deli’s. For us getting this buffalo chicken pizza was a must.
It’s incredible how everything is so close in this town, and only another 5 minutes down the road lies the Manchester Skatepark, which has lots of nice big box jumps and spines. Due to the unpredictable mountain weather, it was dry enough for us to ride for about 15 minutes before the rain came down and ended all hopes of riding for the day. These ramps are covered in painted sheet metal so once they get wet, it’s game over.
Information about Manchester, Vermont:
Approximate Travel Time (from Syracuse, NY): 4 hrs, 20 minutes
Random Fact: The state of Vermont actually owns all the alcohol that it sells, which requires a separate transaction when buying other goods with it (cigarettes, mixers, etc.).
Riding: A mega bowl and a super awesome skatepark are within 15 minutes of each other. There were fun looking rails all over the village, but the weather kept us from exploring.
Favorite Place for Brew: BYOB up the mountain, there’s a liquor store in town. I recommend the hard stuff because bringing a 12 pack three miles up the face of the mountain sucks.
Favorite Place for Pizza: Christo’s.
Don’t Forget Your… : Sleeping Pad. The wood in the cabin is not soft.
Quick Story : We took a chance with the weather on this trip and got shut down hard. After hiking all the way up the mountain in a drizzle, it really hit us hard. Soaking wet and the temperature dropping to almost 40 degrees, Will was actually able to start a fire fairly quickly with Birch Bark while all the wood was completely drenched. The stuff burns like it’s soaked in gasoline and could help you out big time if you’re ever stuck in a situation like we were.
Once the riding is over, the real fun is going to the quarry which is only a quarter mile from the Manchester Skatepark. Cliff jumping and swimming in the cool water after a long day of riding is the perfect end to a day.
The Weekend Warrior (Intro)
Some of us are stuck working the daily grind 8-5, leaving us little chance to really get away all week long. When Friday hits, we have two days and change to do whatever the hell we want. I’m not sure when and where it started, but at 5:01 PM EST every Friday, I’m loading my 2008 Subaru with all my gear and getting the hell out of dodge.
I try to take myself somewhere where I know I can escape the 40+ hours of terror I spend in the lab and office. Sometimes its an hour, other times its driving through the night, but regardless of the amount of time needed, I push through until I’m there. I plan to document these trips and provide you with a rundown of each city in case you ever get the itch to see a new city and feel like burning a tank (or two) of gas.To kick things off, I took the two and half hour drive east towards Albany, NY for good times and great weather.

This is Sean, who just recently got into riding and is always ready to go out and thrash. Whether it’s slamming pints at the bar down the street, or riding some of Albany’s amazing street spots, he’s one dude that’ll always tag along. This was his first rail hop and he was more than stoked.

Toby and I checked this spot out a day prior and decided we needed a bigger crew to go down with to shoot it considering the sketchiest of the area. Absolutely awesome spot, but very tough to ride. He fired this out twice and we got the click we wanted.

Since everyone else was jumping over stuff, I decided I would too.
Information about Albany, NY:
Approximate Travel Time (from Syracuse, NY): 2 hours, 30 minutes
Random Fact: This was the first year they did not allow alcohol to be brought into the annual “Tulip Festival” which is a HUGE annual festival held in Washington Park in May.
Riding : Awesome hangout spots where everyone can ride, lots of rails.
Favorite Place for Brew : Susie’s, although there’s a ton of solid bars all over the place.
Favorite Place for Pizza : Probably Soho, but Dino’s wasn’t bad either.
Don’t Forget Your… : Liver, Albany parties hard. (youtube “kegs and eggs”)
Quick Story : One night we were out on the Pearl St. bar strip and an enormous brawl broke out where people were fighting in the street and the cops could barely control the crowds. Later that night another fight broke out and I’m fairly certain we heard rounds from a .22 fired.
New tires and a tune up this week, stay tuned for the next installment!
read moreDudes in Ohio
We decided to head to Cleveland, OH with a caravan of cars for one final trip to Ray’s for the season. During this trip, thanks to the wonders of social networking and a new found friend, the group was lead to a bar slash pizza joint slash bowling alley. Best of everything in one place? I think so. With that under our belts, we rented the GoPro from Ray’s MTB for a small fee and they let us keep the SD card! The following was filmed with the GoPro Hero HD and my Nikon D7000. Excuse the poor quality, my video editing software was not being very cooperative and I fired this out as quick as possible.
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