Jason Morris

Code slinger at leastmost and bmxfeed. Ramp building and lip trick enthusiast.
Posts from Jason:
All kinds of awesome
This would appear to be North of Ten’s answer to Cheese and Crackers. All kinds of awesome.
read moreThaw sesh
For those covered in snow all winter, the occasional warm day in early spring is a welcomed opportunity to hit the streets or shovel off the backyard ramp. March 7th, first ramp session of the year in upstate NY. Stoked.
Brien K, one-ACL aerial before heading south for the land of palm trees and NASCAR.
Drew B(ananas)
This video is (or will be) on every bmx site, but I’m going to post it up anyhow. Drew Bezanson disassembling the new Joyride 150 park in Toronto:
read moreCatching Up: Brian Castillo
Some video parts are built to the stand the test of time, and so are the characters in these videos. Brian Castillo has been holding steady with Legend status for over 10 years. The Volume Bikes and Demolition Parts bossman was featured in the November 1999 issue of Props. Interviewed by the crew that accompanied him on Road Fools 4, this profile is filled with laughs and some amazing riding. At the time, Volume Bikes was still in its infancy. Knowing now what Volume and Demolition has become in the BMX world only reinforces the respect he deserves for his vision 10 years ago.
We caught up with Brian to reminisce about his Props profile and to find out about Demolition’s upcoming DVD.
What memories does your props interview bring back?
If you had to film a Props bio today what would change? what would be similar?
The whole interview would be different, I don’t think I’d be swatting bugs the whole time. The riding would probably be similar since I haven’t learned anything new since then, haha.
How has Volume (and now Demolition) grown and or changed since you talked about the company in your bio?
Oh wow, I think I just started Volume during that Props bio. I think the overall feel for the companies are definitely more refined since then. At least I’d hope so. I was 24 at the time, so maybe I was a lil’ naive too. 10 years is a long time to write about how the company has changed over the years. I think our values remain the same but a lot of other things have changed for the better.
What are some of your favorite Props segments of all-time?
Some of the first Road Fools were epic. They were so real to what pro riders were really like outside of contests and magazine interviews at the time. The first ones had some characters that loved to fuck with each other and it turned out to be entertaining to watch.
The whole Demolition crew has been filming for an upcoming DVD. What’s the game plan for the video? When can people expect to see it in their local bike shop?
The plan is to have a solid video for the guys to look back on and be psyched about. I’ve been up and down on DVD’s for some time now but the whole Demolition team really wanted it to happen this year. I’m pumped that they are really motivated on getting their parts above and beyond expectations. We’re really pushing it to be a promotional tool, we all know that it’s hard to make a buck off a DVD these days. We’re hoping to have it out by Dec 2010.
Check out Brian’s Props Bio from issue 32:
Here’s a more recent profile on Brian courtesy of Volume Bikes:
“my foreign policy = Michael Jordan’s court policy: when provoked, attack with ferocity until nothing remains but ash and Craig Ehlo’s mullet”
Stay tuned to the Least Most later this week for some more words to live by courtesy of Tom from EmpireBMX In the meantime, do yourself a favor and follow @empirebmx on twitter.
read moreCatching Up: Garrett Byrnes
All photos courtesy of Joe Rich
Ten years ago, the February 2000 issue of Props featured a profile on a 19 year old New Jersey shredder named Garrett Byrnes. His fast, smooth and unique style in that seven minute profile influenced a generation of riders to pedal fast and re-think what was possible without pegs.
The Least Most caught up with Garrett to reminisce about his classic props bio and to find out what he’s been up to lately.
What’s new in the world of Garrett Byrnes in 2010? Are there any constants since your Props interview 10 years ago?
Wow whats new, lets see here… I recently got married and my wife and I are expecting our son in the spring. Besides that I have just been cruisin, livin the simple life.
What memories does your Props interview bring back?
My Props bio brings back memories of travel with friends. Now when I look back, I don’t remember the riding, I remember hanging out and meeting new people everyday. That was the best possible position to be in at the age I was. I made lifelong friends that just want to ride and live their dream… same as me.
If you had to film a Props bio today what would change? What would be similar?
As with everything in my life I wouldn’t change a thing. My views haven’t changed a bit, as for the riding, I could care less about filming and that shit… I just want to ride and have fun.
What are your 5 favorite Props segments of all time?
I like watching all the old ones, like when bmx wasn’t cool to anyone but us…
Anything else you’d like to add?
I miss the Ram Van man.
For your viewing pleasure, the Garrett Byrnes Profile from Props Issue 35.
Garrett Byrnes Props Interview from Least Most on Vimeo.
read moreIn Bloom: Orchid Footwear
Mark Noble over at ESPN just posted up a great interview with Derek Adams about the history of Orchid Footwear. They cover everything the inspiration for Orchid, the evolution of the brand as a whole and what Derek has planned for 2010 and beyond. Check out the interview over on the ESPN BMX blog.
read moreOrchid Winter Edit
In addition to the amazing three part Van Homan Interview (part 1, part 2, part 3), Derek Adams also sent over this fresh edit from some of the Orchid crew as they sought shelter from the cold Pennsylvania winter.
read moreOrchid’s Trippy Tuesdays
Orchid just posted up this edit with the Headbandits, aka Brian Histand and Dave Krone. Those two guys make the most of whatever they have to ride!
Headbandits from brian histand on Vimeo.
Check out orchidfootwear.com for more from the Headbandits and the rest of the Orchid crew.
read moreTrails edit: A Day with Lima
Robin Fenlon just posted this edit of Liam “Lima” Eltham. The trails are incredible and Lima is smooth as silk!
read moreReynolds weld lab
Almost 9 minutes of New Hampshire motorbike dialing. Go build something!
read moreCatching Up: Ralph Sinisi
The Winter 2001 issue of Props Video Magazine featured a profile on Animal’s front man, Ralph Sinisi. At the time Animal was a fairly young company, and along with the solid riding in the profile, Ralph spoke about his original intentions for the company. Today, Animal is one of the most influential bmx companies around. We caught up with Ralph to reflect on his Props profile and to talk about how Animal has grown in the past decade.
photo: Jeff Z
What memories does your props interview bring back?
Oh man. Too many good times. Too much fun. Wish I could go back and throw some better shit down. I love it all though. It is all good. Going to Chris Rye’s pad in the winter and walkin around in the snow and then watchin the Shining. Some good Florida trips. Not good memories with the shoulder, though. Wouldn’t change a thing except for that. That shoulder is probably the best thing on my body now. Everything else is going to hell now.
photo: Jeff Z
If you had to film a Props bio today what would change? what would be similar?
Ah. It would be the same stuff. I just do what I do. Nothing too fancy. Just riding on stuff that I want to ride on. Searchin stuff out. Crusin the streets. Hittin up Whiteboy’s ramp (that would be different, since it is gone), but I love to ride anything. I’d probably be pedaling even slower though if you can imagine that. Haha.
How has Animal grown and or changed since this section was released?
Oh yeah. It is way different. It is still just as great, if not better. It is still only the beginning over here. Things are always great. Riding and dealing with riders that love to ride. It is still all good and only getting better. I think I even love riding that much more. It just is what it is and it is what gets me souped more then anything else. Nothing I would rather be doing. We are gonna be hittin 2010 real hard with some new products and the vid. That is the deal.
What are your 5 favorite Props segments of all-time?
Oh shit. That is not easy.
I gotta say the first 2 Road Fools were the craziest shit. That was some next shit to watch at the time and probably got me more hyped then anything. Joe Rich bio off the hook. Tons of good stuff back then from Luc-e, too
You know I gotta shout out the special Jersey Tiseo showcase scene report.
I remember the Gonz had a crazy one. I know Garrett Byrnes was the best also.
On the newer ones, that one that Ian Schwartz and Chester Blacksmith both had bios in was a treat.
For your viewing enjoyment, Ralph’s Props Interview from Props 39.
Ralph Sinisi Props Interview from Least Most on Vimeo.