Jason Morris

Code slinger at leastmost and bmxfeed. Ramp building and lip trick enthusiast.

Posts from Jason:

Lee Sultemeier Homeless III

Edward Koenning is the best. He posted up a bunch of sections from Homeless III “Highway to Hell”… check out the rest over on his blog.

Lee Sultemeier from edward koenning on Vimeo.

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July 4th Orchid Trail Jam photos

Rob Dolecki fired off a bunch of photos at Derek Adams’ 4th of July jam. Check out his flip book of photos: http://issuu.com/twicebmx/docs/2010.7.7.thjulyjm4.

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Classic Ad: Groundchuck

This Standard ad featuring Groundchuck is definitely one of my all-time favorites. via Sasquatch Canyon via Pretty Shady.

Post up your favorite ads in the forum.

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Lost in the Shadows

Lost in the Shadows is a super clean trails photoblog from the UK spearheaded by James Brooks. We asked James to share with us some of his favorite photos of late:

The crew on a perfect spring day putting the final touches to a line.

Got to love berm landings, Warren Atkinson testing new lines.

Backflips are pretty rare down our trails, here Joe Baddeley flips the one of the longest hips at the trails.

Warren Atkinson carving his way across a blind hip.

Adam Dayson blasting.

Ellis Hardesty & tyre tracks

Tim Muir one footed invert.

Charlie gets away with only a scratch after a serious nose hook, shame the same cannot be said for his frame.

Overview of the trails with Adam Dayson going a lot higher than expected.

Tim Muir whipping his back end out early in the year.

Ellis Hardesty Styling on a 25 ft set, not too bad for the oldest man at the trails (38).

Dan Mcgeary superman seat grab.

Check out Lost in the Shadows for more from James and company.

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Korey Kryder: TMA on Gypsy

Korey Kryder and the Team Major Air boys just wrapped up a week of adventure and questionable lifestyle choices while on the road for FBM’s Gypsy Tour 3. Korey snapped a ton of photos along the way, here are some of his favorites:

Mike tattooing his brother Johnny, right next to last years Gypsy Tattoo. This was also Mike’s first time tattooing anything.

Group shot at some trails outside of Albany, NY.

Toby jumping his own car, something everyone should do at some point.

This was the cabin on top of the Mountain we climbed in Vermont. We met a mountain man up there that had hiked from Massachusetts.

The crew sitting on the Summit of the Mountain in Vermont.

Niles frontflipping the 30 foot cliff in the Oldest Marble Quarry in America.

Trevor with a Gap to Tooth Hanger in Providence RI

Vince, taking it like a man.

Will postin up at the skatepark in Stamford, CT.

Garrett G seat grab at Panamoka.

Johnny holding a round for one of the guns we shot at Ben Nogan’s before heading to Long Island.

Vermont Mountain HDR

Boston, MA HDR

Vince Smith downside whip

Fire pit at Ben Nogan’s place

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Spotted on Gypsy Tour

via Korey Kryder

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Yo Sick! Issues 6 and 7 out now

Prashant Gopal hooked us up with a bunch of issues of Yo Sick zine a while back and now issues 6 and 7 have been printed up. Hit CapitalBMX for more info. Prashant is always up for zine trades. Check em out!

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The best camera is the one that’s with you.

Nuno Oliveira knows this meme well. Blogging over on Defgrip and running his own photo blog, Olivejuuuuice he’s constantly shooting photos on a variety of film and digital cameras.

Over on Olivejuuuuice, he does a weekly feature, “The Week in iPhone Photos”. While a camera phone is certainly no replacement for a more traditional camera rig, the convenience and immediacy they provide is hard to ignore. We caught up with Nuno to chat about how the phone in his pocket plays a role in capturing moments in his day-to-day.

What do you like most about using your phone as a camera, especially when you have legit camera rigs of your own?

Easy, quick and it’s with me all of the time.

What are some of your favorite people/sites/flickr streams that feature iphone (or any phone) photography?

Off the top of my head, Nick Maggio takes rad iPhone pics. I haven’t really seen anybody else’s stuff that looks like his. Here is his site: http://andthesearethedays.tumblr.com/

Are you processing the photos you take? With apps on your phone or afterwards in something more traditional like photoshop?

In terms of apps, I have “Best Camera” and “Hipstamatic” that I use most, with Hipstamatic being my go-to. It has good processing built in and I don’t really need to do anything afterwards except maybe hit it with some sharpening. You can’t edit pictures with Hipstamatic, you sort of just choose a lens and “film” and the different combinations give you certain effects. It’s good. I don’t really want to go overboard with processing iPhone photos, so if they look good through an app, I’m cool with that.

What are some of the negatives to using your phone to shoot photos?

I can’t really think of any. It’s meant to be fun and easy while on the go, and not really a “tool” for serious jobs or whatever…. I’m not discrediting how awesome iPhone photos are and can be, but it really is just a quick easy way to document stuff (as of this point and time). I can imagine iPhones being really powerful camera-wise in 5-10 years though.

You do “The Week in iPhone Photos” feature on Olivejuuuuice. Do you find yourself snapping photos more often with your phone because of that feature?

Totally! The site gives me a reason to use the iPhone to shoot pics, and doing those posts is a good way to have fun with it. Plus, I can look back and see where I’ve been and what I’ve done.

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BMX-MEN: Osato and Rooftop

Our little trivia contest a while back asked what song Dave Osato rode to in BMX-MEN. I included that question knowing that it would be a tough track to find, not to mention his section is one of my all time favorites.

For those unfamiliar, BMX-MEN was released in 1996 as one of the Poorboy videos. We wanted to post the whole video, but my copy of the video has seen better days. Instead here’s a few of the sections I was able to salvage:

Mike Escamilla:

Dave Osato:

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Flickr Find

Spotted by B Tarbell on John Allsopp’s photostream.

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Skapegoat 5

Speaking of Zac Costa, he has a bunch of wild clips in Bob Scerbo’s Skapegoat 5… 15 minutes of awesome:

skapegoat 5 from Skavenger on Vimeo.

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Jared Souney Autophoto

Defgrip just posted up an awesome Autophoto with Jared Souney. Grab a cup of coffee and give it a browse!

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