
The Ergs

Holy Shit is there nothing the Ergs couldn’t do. 5 fast pissed as shit hardcore songs that school 80% of the bands out there. These songs came from a secret vault of never released Ergs stuff that had been recorded over the years with some of it being 7 years old, hopefully they release Ergs Ready to Die next. Fans of the Ergs Catalog and early 80’s hardcore should pick up this record.- Curtis Grimstead

The Ergs
Trash Compactor 7″
Grave Mistake 2010

Posted April 27, 2010 by Least Most

From The Web

My buddy Stephen runs a blog called Unskilled Labor out of Knoxville, TN. Stephen is a BMX rad dad, helping document his local scene while raising a family of 4 kids & working full-time. He sent in a shot of Tim Lewis from a local birthday jam at the trails:

Posted April 27, 2010 by Brien Kielb

My Friend Spike, my friend’s bike

Crailtap has this old video, with what I am guessing is the old owner of Magic skatepark in Reading, trying to confiscate Spike Jonze’s bike. Key players include Blyther, Dave Clymer, Spike Jonze, and Large Ray.
In the photo above, you can see Spike testing the limits of a pinched tube. That Photo Baffled me as a youngster…

Posted April 27, 2010 by Steve Crandall

From The Forum

Somewhere between underground legend status and 90’s dirt/box jump hero, texas based Ed Koenning dropped this heat on us… Peep his Blog for more niceness!

Posted April 26, 2010 by Lee Sizemore

Loz Art

UK rider Loz Taylor has a new website for his artwork. Check it out, it’s always cool to see a bmxer with another creative outlet besides riding. Seen on Federal.

Posted April 26, 2010 by Derek Adams

Shepard Fairey

Ralph Stollenwerf, of Awesome dudes Screen printing was visited this weekend by none other than Shepard Fairey…

From Ralph’s Site
“We had a very exciting day last Friday, when Shepard Fairey and his crew came by the print shop to put up a mural on the outside of our building, it’s huge! about 11ft high x 23ft long…Fairey and crew came down to Philly to do 2 murals with the Mural Arts Program (one is on the Rocket Cat Coffee Shop in Fishown and the other at 26th and Girard)…We had the wall prepped early Friday afternoon by Joe Konrad (All Day Construction) and Frank Santonastasi (Famous Frank) with helping hands from Jesse ‘Jambox’ Johnston and ‘Tall’ Lee Schnelle…the OBEY Posse showed up about 7pm and worked non-stop for just about 4 hours pasting the mural…the whole experience was amazing, Shepard was super nice and let us pick out the main artwork for the wall, which of course we went for the Misfits/OBEY fiend skull as the main focus…on Saturday we put the first coat of Poly over the artwork to protect it from the elements… I’m still star-struck from meeting Shepard, I’ve been a fan of his work for a long time now…extra special thanks to ‘Semi-Famous’ Bill McRight for setting this whole thing up, thanks buddy.”

Check Ralph’s Least Most Piece here.

Posted April 26, 2010 by Lee Sizemore

I’m outta the contest!

The fact that most of this was shot at the last Brawlin’ at the Belmar is stunning and confusing. Is this a step up or down from Rad? You be the judge.

Posted April 24, 2010 by Brien Kielb

G-Funk Will Never Die

Legendary singer and hip-hop artist Nate Dogg has suffered two strokes in the past few years, leaving him nearly completely paralyzed and unable to speak. Although his greatest success was in the form of guest spots singing the hook for other artists, he has made a lot of great music as a solo artist, as well as with his cousins Snoop Dogg and Daz Dillinger. This is truly a tragedy, yet he is showing signs of recovery, so keep him in your thoughts and prayers, or at least keep one of his hooks stuck in your head.

I saw this today
Damizza wants to let everybody know that Nate has been improving and asking for his music to listen to. We were also provided with a mailing address to which fans and supporters can send letters and cards with get well wishes and their personal messages to Nate Dogg. His mother will be reading them to him.

Nathaniel Hale
8306 Wilshire Blvd #484
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

We would like to ask everybody to PLEASE keep the letters clean, out of respect for Nate’s mother. Thank you.

Keep checking in with dubcnn, we will be providing the fans with the latest information on Nate Dogg’s condition and his recovery process. Again, thank you so much for the overwhelming response to our last article.

Posted April 23, 2010 by D.B. Cooper


I went to see these guys the other night. I didn’t bring a good camera, so I wasn’t going to make a post about the show. Then I started to think it was stupid not to make a music post because of a photo. These guys are insane musicians and this is the Youtube age. Turn up the volume and let it rock. Caspian.

Oh yeah… they weren’t playing any keyboards live, even though it sounds like it. Just guitar, bass, drums, and xylophones. Xylophones? Yes Xylophones.

Posted April 22, 2010 by Derek Adams

Ginch Rock

I had no idea that Garrett and Adam Guilliams were in a wicked evil scary death metal band called Eternal Plague. Garrett “sings” and Adams plays the shred stick. Check out their myspace and listen for yourself, if you’re not afraid.

Posted April 21, 2010 by Derek Adams

Guru R.I.P.

Damn. I’m not trying to become the official obituary blogger over here, but if Peter Steele got a shout out then Guru definitely deserves one. Looks like I’m listening to Gang Starr all day. One of the best yet. Big L and Guru R.I.P.

Posted April 20, 2010 by Derek Adams

Leatherface video

Sunderland, UK’s Leatherface recently stopped by Jack Rabid’s Rabid in the Kennel show on Breakthru Radio for a rare and detailed interview and to record a few live tracks. Among the songs performed was “Dead Industrial Atmosphere,” originally found on their 1992 full-length, Mush.

Posted April 19, 2010 by Steve Crandall