The original Lords of Fun trip took place in January 2008 with a motorcycle, bmx, side car trip through Virginia and the Outer Banks of North Carolina. A few years later, Lords of Fun 2 followed a similar course, adding a green limo and a moped for good measure.
This year, for Lords of Fun 3, the limo was swapped for a black school bus and a chihuahua. A gang of misfits from all over the country (plus an London-based filmmaker) met up in Richmond, Virginia and headed south into the rain in search of open roads, concrete transitions, burn barrels and good times.
We have some cool features in the works from Lords of Fun 3, but in the meantime we wanted to gather up some of the Instagram snapshots that were taken along the way.
Pauly the Pirate and Mo. These two travelled from Portland, Oregon on an 883 Sportster. Turning a lot of heads and catching a ton of smiles along the way.
Leland, pink angel ringleader
Jason Stieg after the 10 hours of rain from Pittsburgh to Chesapeake
The moto gang deep in Virginia
Mikey Askew.
If you haven’t used the roof of your house as a ramp and bleacher setup, get it together.
“I’ve been riding my motorcycle across the country for the past month. I’ve seen more unsafe shit in the last two days, than I’ve seen in the last month.” – Chester Blacksmith
No diving, shallow water
Parking lot ice cream party
Lords of Fun 3
Stay tuned.