Korey Kryder

Engineer by Day, Thrasher by Night.
Posts from Korey:
Quick Klick
Will Bruce, Dodging the Ceiling with a big 180 over the freshly painted wall ride at Cranx, Syracuse, NY.
read moreQuick Klick
A lot of people tend to slow down on the bike once they pick up a camera, Souva is not one of those people. Ruben Wallie at Cranx in Syracuse, NY.
Dudes in Ohio (again?)
Having been a couple years since I drove to Cleveland Ohio, I grabbed a couple friends and made the 5 hour trek to rekindle my love for Ray’s MTB. Here’s a couple photos we took while I wasn’t cruisin’ around.
Winter Welcome Jam 2014
After spending almost 4 days getting back to the United States from Kyrgyzstan, I had a chance to get about 4 hours of sleep before hopping in my car and making the 6 hour drive to Pittsburgh, PA where The Wheel Mill put on another big Welcome Jam last Saturday. With the level of riding that always goes down combined with an awesome atmosphere the entire day, these events have become a staple in the Northeast scene.
I had the pleasure of tag-teaming the event with Chris Pollack, and the resulting photos will easily convince you not to miss another one. Check out the Gallery Below!
A HUGE thanks to The Wheel Mill for putting this all on again and allowing me to trade my riding wristband for free beer! Cheers!
PRO TIP: click the photo again when opened from the gallery for High-Res!
read moreForever Young
Sometimes you just have to remind yourself not to grow up too fast…
Frozen Ground
Here is probably the last riding photo I’ll shoot in 2013 now that the snow’s starting to fall. Tobias Pettinelli at Richwood trails outside of Albany, NY a couple weeks back.
Welcome Jam 2013
I was fortunate enough to make my way down to Pittsburgh for this year’s Welcome Jam, which turned out to be an amazing time. I spent a majority of my time battling the foam from the Lionshead Pilsner kegs, but found some time to grab my long lens and stumble down the hill to catch the action on the enormous Science jump. Thanks again to the Potoczny’s for having all of us over and putting on one of my favorite events of 2013. I can’t wait for next year.
Once it got dark, the bonfire exploded as the music blared and the party carried out late into the night.
Burden Lake Pool Jam
We heard a rumor that the Burden Lake Pool in Albany was being destroyed, so BKFBM rented a pump, cleaned her out and threw one hell of a party. This is what I recorded before I traded the camera for a coozie.
read moreJack and The Motorcycles
In the ongoing saga that is Jack and I’s relationship, I got a call from him where he said: “Yo, there’s a motorcycle stunt thing going on in Syracuse, I’m bringing the ramp.” That’s all I needed to hear, and I packed up my camera stuff and before I even made it out of the house, he followed with a text that said “hey man, bring some gasoline lol”. Oh yeah.
So I met up with Jack and the same FBM Maneater from his last stunt.
As usual, everyone thought Jack was going to die.
Having a motorcyle racing directly at you when using a fisheye isn’t settling.
Mandatory warm up on the infamous ramp.
We set up the shot, but Jack wasn’t content. In true upstate fashion he demanded, “We need Fire, Beer, and Mayhem going on here!” And so it was. After pouring over a gallon of gasoline on the ground, convincing people to chug beers in the photo, and having motorcycles do burnouts, the criteria was met, resulting in our winning photo:
Immediately after the stunt was pulled, a bike flew by me and started doing a victory wheelie over the remaining fire.
Big thanks as always to Jack, you crazy bastard, as well as the StunterX guys for allowing this crazy shit to happen. Stay tuned for Jack’s next outrageous move.
read moreJack and The Drifters
Jack shot me a message a week prior and said he had a pretty wild idea that he wanted me to shoot. If you haven’t met Jack Hartje in person, this isn’t something you say no to. A week later we were down at a small track near Owego, NY, where we met up to make this happen.
Jack showed up with a couple of buddies from Buffalo in a truck that contained the following:
-3 Honda 50cc motorcycles with flatland pegs
-1 FBM Maneater bicycle
-1 Extremely narrow 3 foot launch ramp.
The 50’s were a big hit with everyone, where they even put them on the oval track to do a full on race (where they topped out at about 35 and everyone was bored by turn 2). To quote Jack, “They’re most of the fun [of big bikes], but none of the danger”. Sure thing, man.
Matt Knapp, a mutual friend of ours (and fellow OG rider), was with a bunch of his friends at their bi-monthly meet up, where they took their high performance cars and did shit that you see in the movies. These maneuvers may appear to be out of control, but the precision and skill they have to perform them is incredible.
That last shot was one driver’s version of a “Rodeo Donut” where he straddles the car door and locks the wheel, spinning while hanging halfway out of the car.
Here Jack prep’s the ramp with the necessary modifications to perform the jump, and gives it a quick test run.
The timing involved with this stunt was absolutely insane and it required extremely percise driving from Matt to give Jack a chance to clear the car without hitting the ramp. Both driver and rider took a ton of runs to get things just right before giving it a go. Here Matt just barely clips his bumper on the edge of the ramp and removes his front right headlight. What you probably won’t notice is Jack’s shadow in the bottom left corner, where he dodged the flying ramp by inches.
After a few more test runs, I turned around and saw Jack start tearing ass down the huge runway, and then Matt’s engine began to scream. I quickly zoomed out cause I knew this was going to be big. I can’t even begin to explain how gnarly this was. And yes, he landed.
Thanks to Jack for being a badass, Matt for basically destroying his car that day as well as everyone at the track for being cool and making for a great day. I can’t wait to go back and shoot more.
read moreCasselberry Trails
After seeing some stuff on Twitter this morning and reading Cottle’s article (definitely check it out), I gave him a buzz to get the status of the famous 71N. Unfortunately, a 24 hour eviction notice was issued Monday, forcing everyone to vacate the house. They are continuing to fight for the property, but the outlook on those magical orange piles of dirt is bleak as the city finalizes plans to remove them most likely within the next week or so. On a lighter note, he also confirmed that a new set of trails have sprung up with a line already set to go. Nothing can replace 71N, but you can’t get a group of guys with dirt and triflow running through their veins down.
I first saw 71N in the first couple Banned videos (RIP Gary and Ricky) and knew I needed to make it down as much as possible. I’d like to pay a tribute to that place that I was lucky enough to visit and post a gallery of my favorite photos I’ve taken there over the last couple years. Best of luck guys and I’m sure I’ll see you soon.
Mark Mulville, perfect nose dive 3.
Will Bruce, clicked lookback over the last hip.
Toby with a snapped turndown over one of the steeper jumps.
Mark again, this time with a no foot can in the trees.
Will and Devon, both taking licks at the mini ramp in the backyard.
Blood, Sweat, and Beers.
No Caption.
Joey and Cottle both throwing down on home turf. (sorry about the blurry pic Mike haha)
Regardless of what happens, the foundation of this place has been the people that are always there, and you can’t take them away from each other. Long live 71N.
Cranx Interview
Here’s a short interview I did with Dale regarding the Cranx, the new HUGE indoor bike park in Syracuse, NY.
This place is absolutely out of control, the video and pictures will give you an idea, but nothing but actually visiting it and laying down some rubber can do it any kind of justice. These were only a few photos I’ve shot during the first week in operation, stay tuned for lots more.