Jason Morris

Code slinger at leastmost and bmxfeed. Ramp building and lip trick enthusiast.

Posts from Jason:

Hal and Leigh back at it again

The minds who brought you this…

… are now bringing you tips on how to save the planet. The Enviromentals are great.

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Texas Toast

Odyssey’s Texas Toast Jam went down this weekend in Austin, Texas and the response seems unanimous… it was awesome!

Props just posted up a video from dirt qualifying and I’m sure many more videos will be coming in the next few days.

Go to BNQT.com for more videos.

Check out more from Texas Toast over on Odyssey’s site and on the ESPN blog!

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Freestyle Friday

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It’s Better in the Wind

Hit itsbetterinthewind.com for more info on this short film by Scott Toepfer. Original soundtrack by Chuck Ragan. Sounds/looks awesome.

via the selvage yard

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Cross Country in Photos

Words by Aaron Gates, photos by Tony Archibeque

I’ve driven across America twice now. Once the real way (Alaska to the CT), and this time the short version (CT to Seattle). I will drive across the country any time I have the opportunity to do it. The best part of cross country travel is the many small things you come across, that you would never make a point of seeing in any other context. That, and America is a pretty beautiful place. In March, my wife and I packed our car, truck, and a Uhaul full of everything we could and brought our son, Tony Archibeque Jr., and our friend Gary across America. The following photos document some of the cool things and oddities we witnessed along the way.

Missoula, MT has a really fun bowl. This was one of two quick sessions we had on the trip. if I had to pick one obstacle to ride on a roadtrip, it would always be a bowl with a cradle.

Tony unleashes a Dom Mach in Montana.

The Chicago Skyway.

The Chicago Skyline.

At this point, we realized that we had entered real America.


South Dakota is full of weird roadside attractions. Driving on the interstate you will see advertisements for a particular place for literally hundreds of miles. Some of these places are awesome, Like the World's only Corn Palace. The Prehistoric village just made for a nice sunset photo.

The one time of day that the view changes on the interstate.

Idaho, land of rainbows and magnets.

Deadwood, SD. Home of Wild Bill Hickock's grave, and many tiny casinos.

Deadwood, SD.

Deadwood, SD.

A humungous smokestack in Anaconda, MT. Home of a skatepark called "The Snake Pit".

This may look like an ordinary wildlife photo, but catching this stuff at 70 mph takes some serious skill.

More fun in Deadwood. A travel weary baby.

Deadwood. An odd juxtaposition.

Driving across the country means you have to deal with truck drivers. This was one particular encounter where a trucker thought we were going too slow.

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Chicago Video Hunt!

Eric from forty distribution sent over info on a Chicago-based video contest they’re putting together…. sounds rad. Check teaser video below.

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DIY with Bamboo

Mario Martin-Alciati shot over this link for an outfit in SF that gets interested folks started building their own bamboo-based bike frames. Looks like they’re doing workshops in Brooklyn, too. Check the video:

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Mike Tag

By now I’m sure you’ve seen the unfortunate news that FBM OG Mike Tag is currently battling with Stage ll Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

FBM has set up a page to accept donations towards his ever-mounting medical bills. Please consider contributing, any support would be greatly appreciated.

Brian Tunney said it best:

Tag, as many of us have come to know him throughout the years, has played an integral part in elevating the status of dirt riding, street riding and video production throughout the early ’90s and into the ’00s. Mike was one of the first riders to really focus on the art of searching for spots, and for years, Mike traveled the world with his FBM and a video camera in search of elusive rails. Mike Tag’s riding and filming has been featured in over a decade of FBM videos, as well as countless issues of Props, Road Fools and etnies “Forward”. And Mike was the first rider to receive a signature frame from FBM, the Night Train.

To put it bluntly, Mike Tag’s riding (and antics) influenced an entire generation of BMX.

Check out Mike’s Props bio for a reminder of how much of a badass he is:

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Orchid “Footwork” Scraps

The new Orchid DVD, “Footwork” is available now and to celebrate its release, our main man Derek Adams put together this edit of extras from the video for all of you fine Least Most viewers. Give it a watch and then head to the Orchid site or your local shop and pick a copy for yourself, you won’t be disappointed!

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Nice Guy, Mean Streets

Jackson Allen made the most out of the short days of winter and put together this edit featuring his buddy Andy Maguire shredding… check it out!

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Bobby Proctor

Check this edit of Bobby Proctor shredding some parks for NICE and CircuitBMX:

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Brodie Gwilliam strikes again

Brodie Gwilliam has put together some awesome parody videos, but this time he covered a trip to Vancouver to hang out with the boys at the Ghetto Mansion.

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