Empire Trailer
The new Empire video is definitely one of the most anticipated videos these days. They posted up a trailer a little while back that’s definitely worth a play if you missed it the first time around.
I just took a peek at the bmxfeed video page and caught this gem. Brodie Gwilliam did up this “alternate” version of the Empire trailer which made me smile.
Empire Trailer2 (Bad 4 Life Version) from Brodie Gwilliam on Vimeo.
BMX is serious business? Yeah right!
Holy Bash Guard!
I have been staring at this picture on my computer for some time now this morning and I can’t get over how bad of a design these frames were. That rear triangle looks like you could bend it just by laying the bike over. Ah, these were great times. I am a little bummed to not have had a chance to mangle a few of these. Wait. No I am not. Damn “Outlaws”.
Joel Barnett DSLR Edit
By Korey Kryder and Joel Barnett.
Sasquatch Summer Brew
Sasquatch Summer Brew from jackson allen on Vimeo.
From the dudes over at Sasquatch Canyon
Bmx Plus September 1983
I couldn’t imagine bumping elbows with these guys in the AA pro class. Stu Thompson and Brian Patterson look like they are about to lock up while fighting for first place. These guys were crazy fast.
Seen on Bmxfeed Video
I checked out the bmxfeed video page again today and sure enough it works! I found this little trail video from Bicycle Union that I haven’t seen anyone blog about yet. So I thought I’d blog about it before robots completely eliminate my job.
Bmxfeed Video?, everybody’s favorite bmx news service, just launched a new feature the bmxfeed video page. It works magically (through rss) to pull the newest videos from your favorite bmx sites onto one page. No more waiting for lazy bloggers like me to make you aware of them. It’s cool, it’s hip, it’s like the future or something. Thanks to Jason Morris for putting it together as another free service to the bmx community. How awesome is that?
Leland Thurman
Our Good friend Leland Thurman of Shitluck fame, has a great write up on ChopCult courtesy of Mcgoo. Hell yea!
Three kooks in a lower rider…..
…..I am often reminded of things looking back at some on these old video clips. At one time in out short BMX history I recall Dave Parrick owning a little white mini truck. Could have been a Datsun? Don’t right remember. I do remember from time to time, Dave, James Shepherd, and myself would temp fate and try and make short road trips in this little truck. The question on most of our minds was, “Will this thing get us there and back?” And sure enough, most of the time it did. To the surprise of many people.
On one of our short trips we would often take, down to San Marcos from Austin to ride the SWT campus. This filming trip sticks out most of all to me over most any of the many other trips we took. Dave’s little truck didn’t have a radio at the time, and the short drive there was a quite one. Well on the way back to Austin, somehow the three of use broke into singing the Sanford and Son theme song. I wouldn’t really call it singing, there are no words. Dave was maned the lows, Sheps had the mids and highs, and I was on percussion. Now what was the length of that theme song? A minute? Minute and a half? Whatever it was, we had the extended version going. We made in all the way to Austin doing this for the whole 35 minutes. Good times!
Dave Parrick from edward koenning on Vimeo.
James Shepherd from edward koenning on Vimeo.
Two Holes
Its always refreshing when you meet a new person whom takes a part of their day just to create something funny or interesting with no payment, only because they enjoy it and want to share a piece of that with you. Frank is one of those people, hustling about town doing food deliveries via bicycle, playing music, hanging with friends, and creating something to share. Check out his blog Two Holes are better than one … where he shotguns a different beverage every day in 2010!