From the Web
Tommy T. from The Heathens, seen not giving a shit, as usual!
Streets is talkin.
Whether you are bombing a Bone Deth rail, or Coming up on the latest Smith Grinds, You gotta make sure you have the right gear when you are out in the streets! Dress for success!
Cape Town South Africa
A cool video of some BMX and adventure in South Africa put together by Supes!
Countdown to Extinction
Native Bikes rolls our their 2nd edit of the year, this one documenting the chaotic New Years countdown at the Casselberry house, and the trails sesh that went down after the hangovers wore off. Featuring the Native team, and guest appearances by Mark Mulville, Trey Jones & our own Korey Kryder.
Check out Korey’s feature for more photos from the trip.
Pizza Zombies
A few pics from Jim Callahan’s Art Show.
Total Drag
This guy has a dog named Pizza, and does some killer graphics. More info On the web? Yes.
Fun Bro
Scott Towne is one of those dudes that just gets it. Whether it be the culture of BMX, music or art, I can usually get behind what he is doing. He is also the guy at Dans Comp, dialing in new team riders like Tony Hamlin, and Chase Dehart. Check out Fun Bro for more.
Hot or not?
We asked a few Least Mosters to give their 10 hot/nots for the new year. Some kept it positive, some kept it sarcastic. Get your decoder rings on…
Hat tip to the de Jong’s who’ve been doing Rad vs Lame forever.
Rob Tibbs
- Hot: back rail fufs 1st try
Not: hang fives that take 104 trys - Hot: street riding
Not: street riding at the skatepark - Hot: drunk texting
Not: reading them the next day - Hot: anthem 2
Not: web edits - Hot: high fives
Not: horn bumps - Hot: cases
Not: 12 packs - Hot: flat black
Not: neon - Hot: dollar store beanies
Not: monster new eras - Hot: summer
Not: winter - Hot: sean burns doing the cemetery gap
Hotter: sean burns doing the cemetery gap four fucking times!
Steve Crandall
- Hot: 4 loko
Not: Alcoholics Anonymous - Hot: Twitter
Not: Talking to people in real life - Hot: Spot finders and Google earth
Not: the thrill of the hunt! - Hot: Monster Energy Drink New Eras
Not: Wigs - Hot: Stacking Clips
Not: Stacking lips - Hot: Poaching
Not: Building your own fun - Hot: Web Vids, Blogs, iPads, tumblr, etc…
Not: This Is united, Surfin for the ugly Broads, Anthem, Holeshot, Case, JNKFD, etc… - Hot: Following the herd
Not: out of step - Hot: taking yourself too serious
Not: wearing clown costumes - Hot: the price of gas
Not: the economy
Jason Morris
- Hot: dig
Not: wax - Hot: build
Not: complain - Hot: brakes
Not: sneakers in tire - Hot: kindle
Not: bookshelf - Hot: valentine1
Not: tickets - Hot: deck manual
Not: deck monkey - Hot: roth max
Not: credit max - Hot: howard stern
Not: music in the am - Hot: @empirebmx rants
Not: normal sleep pattern - Hot: less
Not: more
Derek Adams
- Hot: The Mustache
Not: The Goatee - Hot: Rainbow colored bikes
Not: Pad sets and numberplates - Hot: Laptop DJ’s
Not: Playing an instrument - Hot: Copy & Paste
Not: Do it yourself - Hot: My Crew
Not: The Posse - Hot: Spicy Habanero Sauce
Not: Ketchup - Hot: Mega Ramps
Not: Mini Ramps - Hot: Big business
Not: Grass roots - Hot: Rails
Not: Trails - Hot: Reality TV
Not: Reality
Nick Ferreira
- Hot: Elk Zines & Books
Not: The current state of BMX mags - Hot: Burritos & Pizza
Not: expensive food - Hot: Shitty skateparks
Not: perfectly sculpted training facilities - Hot: Scrappin bikes
Not: dialed bikes - Hot: Teenage party spots in the woods
Not: Goin to the bar - Hot: JNCO’s and Sulats
Not: Levis 511 and fades - Hot: Riding with people you have been riding with since you were thirteen
Not: jocking the “good” riders - Hot: One night camping trips
Not: Spending forever on the road. I got Law and Order/ The Wire/ things to do! - Hot: FBM Gypsy frame
Not: FBM Deployer - Hot: The United States Postal Service
Not: Email
Jackson Allen
- Hot: Urban Camping (I opt for the sleeping in the camper shell of a truck, but you can get as grimy as you want)
- Hot: Fancy beers in a can (Fat tire, Dales etc. Nothing wrong with bad beer in a can too, but now you can get fancy in the woods and packing your trash is a cinch. Awesome date beer.)
- Hot: x-ups (always on my hot list, but I was kinda planning on doing a bunch this year. Every variation thereof is also fun. Well, with the exception of x-up rides, I think I have weak elbows)
- Hot: Head lamps (My friend Mike calls them tweaker lights. You have a flashlight and both of your hands free. Perfect. Goes well with numbers one and two.)
- Hot: Paper airplanes (Make sure you use recycled paper (bills, junk mail, etc.) Google some bad ass designs. Draw flames on that shit to make it go fast. Go to the top of something tall. Or have a friend throw one down a hill and try to race it on a bike. Totally worth it.)
- Hot: The Least Most (it’s having a birthday. Birthdays are hot.)
- Hot: Grooveshark (Not sure how this is still free. Like pandora but it doesn’t suck. You pick your music. You listen for free. It just lives on the internet.)
- Hot: Hiking (sometimes its good to move slow)
- Hot: Kiwis (the fruit. High in Vitamin C, Tasty)
Vic Murphy
… is RAD, via Holeshot!
On the Web.
Clint Reynolds of Credence Bikes has a new site up. Check it out.
Samiam live show online.
It’s on a German Website, So I couldn’t figure out how to embed the video here.. But check it out Here. Good Stuff.
Build your own fun.
Amongst other awesomeness this was spotted over in Sasquatch Canyon!