

Matt Conner, pre Crash.

Least Moster, Matt Conner seperated his shoulder riding some dirt jumps, so we asked him to tell us about 3 albums to listen to while stoned on pain meds… Here is his report-
Everybody knows injuries are the worst by-product of bmx. Time off of the bike, especially early in the season, right when the line is starting to run really well can be downright frustrating. The “up” side to getting hurt is going to the ER and getting painkillers, which for me don’t really relieve any pain, but make me much less concerned about it. After my recent trip to the ER for a separated ac ligament in my left shoulder after a perfectly executed case to shoulder digger to scorpion, I was looking for a soundtrack to a day home from work getting faded on Loritab, and I came up with these three albums to get me through the afternoon.

Funkadelic-"Maggot Brain" for the title track alone, which is one of the best guitar freak-outs ever put on tape. Eddie Hazel is a monster.

Witchcraft-"The Alchemist" total revisionist 70's drug rock from some dudes from Sweden. More Pentagram than Sabbath with some elements of "Fun House" era Stooges.

Spacemen 3-"Taking Drugs to Make Music to Take Drugs To" no brainer. This is one of the most psychedelic records there has ever been, and listening to it while being swallowed by a couch just seems right.

So there you have it. If you go on injured reserve, make sure you rest up so you can heal up and get back to effing it up. Some painkillers and some good tunes your injury won’t make your injury get better, but you’ll be much less concerned about it.
-Matt Conner

Posted May 13, 2011 by Lee Sizemore

Lost Bowl Update

A little while back we ran a feature on Pat Lowry and the Lost Bowl. Since the project started, there have been a few issues, including a crazy rainstorm, a drainage issue, and subsequently a huge cement bowl floating about 2 feet out of the ground, and settling off kilter. Since then, and with a lot of hard work, it has been repaired, and soon will be finished. We’ll post more pics soon, for now check out these shots of the coping getting dialed.

Posted May 13, 2011 by Steve Crandall

In The Field Greg Hunt

Different wheels, but the words this guy speaks are about as right on as any…

Posted May 10, 2011 by Steve Crandall

From the web

Jackson spotted this one over at Digmore, Build your own fun! wow!

Posted May 4, 2011 by Steve Crandall

Chicago Video Hunt!

Eric from forty distribution sent over info on a Chicago-based video contest they’re putting together…. sounds rad. Check teaser video below.

Posted April 27, 2011 by Jason Morris

Dock Ellis

Posted April 26, 2011 by Lee Sizemore

New Small Brown Bike Album

…comes out tomorrow. Here’s a video from their new record Fell & Found and you can listen to some other tracks at Thanks for the heads up Dig.

Posted April 25, 2011 by Derek Adams

Pedal Thru

This is probably my favorite mural in Philadelphia for fairly obvious reasons. It’s another one that our homie Josh Smith helped paint in 2008. It’s called “Pedal Thru”. Hugely amazing.

Posted April 25, 2011 by Derek Adams

DIY with Bamboo

Mario Martin-Alciati shot over this link for an outfit in SF that gets interested folks started building their own bamboo-based bike frames. Looks like they’re doing workshops in Brooklyn, too. Check the video:

Posted April 25, 2011 by Jason Morris

Mike Tag

By now I’m sure you’ve seen the unfortunate news that FBM OG Mike Tag is currently battling with Stage ll Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

FBM has set up a page to accept donations towards his ever-mounting medical bills. Please consider contributing, any support would be greatly appreciated.

Brian Tunney said it best:

Tag, as many of us have come to know him throughout the years, has played an integral part in elevating the status of dirt riding, street riding and video production throughout the early ’90s and into the ’00s. Mike was one of the first riders to really focus on the art of searching for spots, and for years, Mike traveled the world with his FBM and a video camera in search of elusive rails. Mike Tag’s riding and filming has been featured in over a decade of FBM videos, as well as countless issues of Props, Road Fools and etnies “Forward”. And Mike was the first rider to receive a signature frame from FBM, the Night Train.

To put it bluntly, Mike Tag’s riding (and antics) influenced an entire generation of BMX.

Check out Mike’s Props bio for a reminder of how much of a badass he is:

Posted April 21, 2011 by Jason Morris

April Twentieth

This dumpster is filled with Irony. Pothead…

Posted April 20, 2011 by Steve Crandall

“dad, explain?”

Mat Hoffman, and a Gwar fallace...

I got the following email today, I felt like I needed to share this one! –
“yo crandall, my daughter, gianna, brought this picture up to me yesterday,
that she found on our ipad, and just said “dad, explain?” hahaha. the joys
of fatherhood…”

Posted April 18, 2011 by Steve Crandall