Jason Morris

Code slinger at leastmost and bmxfeed. Ramp building and lip trick enthusiast.

Posts from Jason:

Kyle Hibbard at Cranx

Spotted this over on The Union. Kyle Hibbard giving the jump line at Cranx a few stylish laps. If you look close you’ll see a semi-nude Korey Kryder shooting photos in the background.

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Mike Tag

If you haven’t seen this already, head over to the FBM site for some words from Steve Crandall about his past week, spent with Mike Tag in Ithaca. Mike really is as tough as they come.

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East Coast Roast

On Friday, March 30th, Richmond, Virginia will have a giant cup of locally-roasted coffee set up with ramps on either side for you to launch your bike over… The FBM East Coast Roast will be a weekend of good times and great surprises. Coffee launch Friday, high air and best trick Saturday followed by an after party, and a kick-ass surprise event on Sunday.

Check out the flyer below and watch the FBM site for more info. Missing this is a bad idea.

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Sasquatch DVDs and Shirts

Jackson put together a compilation DVD of all of the great Sasquatch Canyon edits over the past two years. The dvd comes free with the purchase of a limited-edition Wagon Wheel tee. Check out the deal over on the Sasquatch Canyon site

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Cobra II

Looks like Derek received some Orchid samples. Check out the Blue Groove Cobra II over on the Orchid site. More soon, I’m sure!

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Brandon Eckles from Caliwumpus

Jackson sent over this link to Brandon Eckles’ part from the Caliwumpus DVD, noting how he can go from smooth to loose in the blink of an eye. After giving this a watch, he’s not kidding! Definitely one of the most entertaining sections I’ve seen recently, you have no idea what you’re in for from clip to clip.

The Caliwumpus DVD is available for $10 shipped direct from the Caliwumpus site.

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Anthem II – Declassified Footage

Stew Johnson cracked open the Anthem II hard drives and has been putting together some web videos featuring unseen footage from Anthem II. If you’ve missed them so far, give them a watch now. Stew has a bunch more of these in the works so keep an eye out.

Brian Foster Declassified:

Trails Declassified:

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Cannonball Fun

Crandall, Kenny Horton and the rest of the FBM gang has been on the road for the past two weeks, trekking across the country in search of good times. There’s been a slew of updates on the FBM site, Henny’s blog and even more from the Sasquatch Canyoneers.

Here’s some poached photos:

Jackson Allen and Otis!

Vandals and Wilkerson

Prototype FBM sleeping bag

Adam Ginch blasts

Vandals and Corrigan in Austin

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The Shaman of Bowl Corners

I spotted this post and photo on the Credence site of the new EmpireBMX bowl, another Ryan Corrigan masterpiece.

Photo: Clint Reynolds/Credence

I will be forever fascinated by ramp building, especially the complicated sculptures that Ryan is known for. Before we launched Least Most, on a drive back from North Carolina I mentioned to Crandall that I would love to see a bowl-corner how-to. If not to learn how to build one myself, at least to watch someone like Ryan work through the process.

A few months later, Stew Johnson was kind enough to catch up with Ryan during the build of the last Empire bowl and they put together this great how-to for us, capped by some amazing riding.

I watched that video over and over again and when the opportunity presented itself, I gave building a corner a shot. You can see my humble attempt in the foreground below. Needless to say, after building one myself, my fascination with anyone who can build corners with any level of proficiency was concreted.

Thanks Ryan.

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Getting Back on Track

In January 2008, Mike Vincent was struck by a car while riding his bike in LA and has been on the long road to recovery ever since. Now Mike has a new website – http://mikevbackontrack.virb.com/ – where you can read his story, find updates about his recovery and most importantly, information on how you can purchase a t-shirt or send a donation his way to help defray the costs of recovery.

Mike has had a tremendous influence on bmx, with both his riding and with his efforts behind the scenes, organizing and judging contests. Take a minute to read his story and if you’re able, support him on the road to recovery.

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FBM on Megatour 10

This is awesome! FBM just uploaded their section from Props Megatour 10. The gang journeyed through Texas in a bus and took on a wide variety of terrain in the process. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy:

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Pushing a Winnebago

A while back we did a feature on Ryan Humphrey and some of his favorite work and installations. Among the photos in the feature was a foreshadowing of the Albion issue 6 Ryan recently did as well as a shot of his Tonka Winnebago skateboard. If you wondered what it’d be like to actually push that Winnebago around, have a look at this video Ryan sent our way:

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