I shot this pic of Stew Johnson,several years ago, for an article he was featured in…
He’s been a good friend of mine since i met him at the nationals in Pittsburgh some 18 years ago. The first time we hung out, staying at a mutual friends house, with limited sleeping space, he ‘accidentally’ pushed me off the couch I was sleeping on, right into a plate of leftover pasta. He Hijacked the couch. I must not have minded…
Not soon after, he convinced my dumbass to move to Ft. Wayne Indiana, where I managed to live in a filthy warehouse, printing T-shirts he had ‘acquired’ that were meant to have been printed for a Spin Doctors tour…
Years later he called me, and repaid me for the couch incident by getting me and a couple friends on tour with one of our long time favorite bands (not the spin doctors), and involved with a video shoot….. Thanks Stew!