
Gianluca Marrone tweaked

Our friends over at Calle Marconi distro in Italy sent over a few pics of Gianluca Marrone twisting the hell out of a couple of moves…

Posted December 1, 2010 by Jason Morris

Circuit Short.

Mix Fall Footage from Circuit BMX on Vimeo.

Short Circuit.Rad stuff from the guys at Circuit BMX, some late Summer and Fall riding.

Posted November 30, 2010 by Steve Crandall

Biker Fox

If you want a good laugh check out It’s the website of a guy who legally changed his name to Biker Fox (yes, fox meaning hot) after he lost a lot of weight riding bikes. He also does tricks. Apparently he’s in the Guiness Book of World Records for inventing the “Fox Flip” in 2000, even though it used to be called a Scura Dismount in the 80’s. The dude is totally kooked and lovin’ it. You just have to see for yourself. Enjoy.

Biker Fox
“Now featured in the Guiness Book of World Records, BikerFox in the year 2000 was the first person in the world to do a Front Flip on a bicycle or motorcycle of any kind . He is also the oldest to accomplish this feat according to Guiness.”

Posted November 27, 2010 by Derek Adams

3 Cool Pics.

Rick Crossman sent over these pics, 1 of Eric hennessey riding in Austin texas, and another of Sporter Neal in Glenns Falls NY.

Posted November 23, 2010 by Lee Sizemore

Sekt Summer Edit

Sekt Summer Edit from SEKT on Vimeo.

Filmed and edited by Douglas Foulke @ Cacoon in PA.

Good vibes and riding by-Brian Wizmerski, Kyle Keck, Steve Eister, Meho Kasprzak, Adam Aloise, Keith Terra, Chris Stauffer

Posted November 22, 2010 by Least Most

T-1 in Colorado

Joe Rich produced this edit from a T-1 journey to Colorado, featuring Danny Hickerson, Joseph Frans, and Tom Dugan. Awesome doesn’t do it justice. Watch it.

Posted November 22, 2010 by Jason Morris

What have you built?

We know that you’re all creative folks and we’d like to see some of the awesome stuff you’ve built!

Hit us on on our Facebook page and link up a photo of something you’ve built that you’re psyched on… we’ll pick our three favorites and send them a couple of Props DVDs for the effort.

Posted November 21, 2010 by Jason Morris

From the Web

Seen in Scott Towne’s Barn, Via Fun Bro.

Posted November 18, 2010 by Lee Sizemore


Just In case you felt uninspired today….

Posted November 16, 2010 by Steve Crandall

2 Blokes in P.A

Heres an edit Ross Head filmed whist in PA recently with Robbo. Featuring a whole bunch of trail shredders as well as legends like BF, Chris Stauffer, Pat Jullif and more!
-sent over by John Dye of Bicycle Union

2 Blokes in P.A from Bicycle Union on Vimeo.

Posted November 12, 2010 by Steve Crandall

Unnoticed gem from the web

Terrible One Oz team in Adelaide from StowMedia on Vimeo.

Russell Brindley and Leigh Giason form the Terrible One Oz team, We flew them down to Adelaide to ride and chill for a weekend recently and here is the outcome. Also featuring riding from Jamie and Beechy. Filmed by Kane Chappell. Song is Wooden Shijps -“California”
Via- Stowaway

Posted November 12, 2010 by Steve Crandall

Travis Pastrana’s New BMX Course?

This image was floating around on the Facebook. Apparently it’s Travis Pastrana’s new BMX section, which may or may not be the handy work of Nate Wessel. None of this info is confirmed at this time. Looks fun though…

Posted November 9, 2010 by Derek Adams