The guy with the sideburns.
Matt Coplon, the second friendliest dude in BMX, well known for his involvement with Profile Racing and Light Yourself on Fire, sent over this pic, and said “I fucking love bmx”. Photo by Mike Kuhn.
BMX Vs Moto
Another gem from the archives, via Kim Boyle.
Learn How to Have Fun
Least Most brother Nick Ferreira just sent through some news about his newest print project:
Amigos Publishing is proud to announce that our fourth publication is now available to order. Learn How to Have Fun is 12 full-color broadsheet pages of selected entries from the anonymous blog of the same name. LHTHF, the blog, offers advice that is both real and sarcastic in nature, urging readers to stop and appreciate the ridiculousness that life has to offer. This zine offers the reader a chance to view the candid photos in a more intimate setting and presents the often hilarious embedded links as helpful footnotes.
berkeley park pics
A bunch of us met up at the Berkeley Skatepark the other morning, and here are some pics. January is supposed to be the rainiest month of the year, and it felt like there were a lot more sunny days like this then rainy ones. Winter in the bay area ain’t too bad..
Terra Firma
Keith Terra DSLR Panamoka edit!
Live fast die old.
Follow the Youtube links for more parts…
FBM just posted up a welcome to the gang edit for Jackson Allen. Jackson is responsible for some kick ass features here on Least Most, like 22 Counties and ATX-PHX-SC. Peep the vid!
Build your own fun!
Seen in Sasquatch Canyon. Stokeage.
District Leftovers
Chris Saunders just uploaded this edit featuring solid riding from KY and the greater Boston area. A high quality, fun watch to an El Ten Eleven track. All wins in my book.
This whole BMX thing can get a little confusing.
Zac Costa/Solid Bikes edit
Spotted on San Jose BMX…