
Nemy BBQ on April 9th

NEMY (pronounced “enemy”) is a new bmx shop in Langhorne PA, just north of Philly. They sponsor Dave Krone & Brian Histand and they’re hosting a grand opening BBQ on Saturday April 9th. The festivities start at noon and the premiere of Orchid‘s Footwork begins at 8pm. They’ll even have some grind box and ramps set up to shred. Sounds like a good time. Do it.

Posted April 3, 2011 by Derek Adams

Jody Donnelly’s Seatpost

A bunch of naked chicks and James Franco? Meh, I guess that’s mildly interesting. Now look at that bike on the left. Wowzers!! Jody Donnelly’s seatpost lives on..!!

Posted April 2, 2011 by Derek Adams

Sekt Trails edit

Doug Foulke put together this cool edit from some amazing trails, with a bunch of shredders and laid a Hum track over the whole thing. All good by me!

Posted April 2, 2011 by Jason Morris


Footwork DVD Teaser (NSFW) from Orchid Footwear on Vimeo.

Derek and the crew at Orchid have some goodness poppin off. 2 words.VAN HOMAN!

Posted April 1, 2011 by Steve Crandall

Build your own fun

Tibbs and a big step up... Evan V. pic

Rob Tibbs, and Evan Venditti, slinging dirt in the woods…Hell ya!

Posted March 31, 2011 by Steve Crandall

Crandall on The Union

Our main man Steve Crandall has a quicky up on The Union. Chiggy check it.

Posted March 30, 2011 by Derek Adams

Gate Start Fail

Saw this randomly on Google today. Too funny.

Posted March 26, 2011 by Derek Adams

Will Bruce

Least Most friend Will Bruce took to the streets of NYC recently and knocked out this quick video spotted on Dah Streets blogspot:

Posted March 25, 2011 by Jason Morris

Get Ridiculous

Steev D. of Motoscum Int.

Here’s another snapshot from the Simple Shapes photo gallery by Howard Tarpey. Git!

Posted March 24, 2011 by Lee Sizemore

From the web

Mickey Finn, Tracer Finn, 1000 words multiplied...

Seen on Kim Boyle’s Site. Stunning!

Posted March 23, 2011 by Steve Crandall

George D in The Wait

I saw this on the internetz the other day and forget where (I think on the new Animal site), but it’s the video for bmx legend George Dossantos’ band The Wait. Watch close and you can see George shredding the bass.

PS: a quick Google search revealed this video is a few months old, but whatevs. Everything old is new again. And the way the world moves I bet some of you missed it the first time…

Posted March 22, 2011 by Derek Adams

Fixed Freestyle

The Above Pic of Rob Tibbs, just looks cool, its kind of off the topic of this post… The Title of the news update is a play on words, In an attempt to raise money to re-ply his ramp, Tibbs Bet Brian Rainsford $100 he could Nosepick on a 700c bike with a front brake, first try. Maybe Not really fixie freestyle, but he is using the money to fix the ramp, to do Freestyle BMX ariel stunts on, like in the picture below, of Rob, in a Drug Rug, blasting another big mini!

Posted March 22, 2011 by Steve Crandall