
DIY North Bay

Some of my old friends from the land of Hydro Depots and viticulture have taken things into their own hands and started building shredable obstacles on an old foundation. Of course it helps that a legitimate concrete mason who skates is involved in the process, but that hasn’t stopped everybody from pitching in. from crackheads who pick up beer cans to dogs who chase away seagulls that shit on the trannies, shit is fire. Plus they even got ahold of the owner and got permission so crack a beer and get out the mud tub

Posted February 7, 2012 by D.B. Cooper

Rick Crossman Pics

Here are some photos courtesy of Rick Crossman.
The first photo is of Sporter Neal wallriding his house in Glens Falls with his dad in the kitchen window. The second is Jim C riding his 24” in New Braunfels Tx.

Posted February 7, 2012 by Least Most

Pushing a Winnebago

A while back we did a feature on Ryan Humphrey and some of his favorite work and installations. Among the photos in the feature was a foreshadowing of the Albion issue 6 Ryan recently did as well as a shot of his Tonka Winnebago skateboard. If you wondered what it’d be like to actually push that Winnebago around, have a look at this video Ryan sent our way:

Posted February 6, 2012 by Jason Morris

New Orchid site

Orchid just took the wrapping off their new website:

Along with the new look, there’s also a preview of the 2012 line, new rider and video sections, too. Part 1 of Orchid’s latest DVD, Footwork, is on the site as well. Watch the gang ride all of the crazy obstacles at Bam Margera’s house. Go check it out!


Posted January 31, 2012 by Jason Morris

So, you think your life is crazy?

Check out the latest update of Jason Anderson’s Adventure on his travel blog. It’s seriously insane!

Posted January 29, 2012 by Least Most

Caliwumpus and Sasquatches

Brandon Eckles uploaded this great mix from the land of sasquatches. Featuring Jackson Allen, Mike Hernandez, Ryan Nyquist, Jeff Murphy, Jordan Murdock, and handful of other talented fellas.

Who knows the plural form of Sasquatch, anyhow?

Posted January 22, 2012 by Jason Morris

Rad Dad and Son

Mike Hines from Clicked BMX just posted this video of him and his three year old son riding some spots in the Southwest and some words on how his son helps to maintain the right perspective when it comes to riding. Looks like his son even had a hand in putting together the soundtrack for the video, too. Good stuff!

Posted January 21, 2012 by Jason Morris

Best Photo Ever.

For many reasons… Seen on The Heathens

Posted January 20, 2012 by Least Most

Obsessed: Coffee

David Lynch and Coffee are both pretty awesome!

Posted January 20, 2012 by Lee Sizemore

Snapshots of life

Some cool stuff with Patti Smith and her photography!

Posted January 19, 2012 by Steve Crandall

Full Glory

Our buddy Kyle Emery-Peck and the Full Frame Collective gang joined Werehaus on an adventure to the “Glory Hole” for some flare-lit carves. All kinds of awesome…

Posted January 18, 2012 by Jason Morris

Dah Burbs

Mario Martin-Alciati sent over this cool edit his friend Nic Gironda put together from White Plains and Jersey sessions. You might remember Mario and Nic teaming up on a few Least Most features like Dudes in Madrid and Spring Cruisin’ with Mario. Nic put together another solid one, check it out…

Posted January 16, 2012 by Jason Morris