The Shit Show 4.5 by Kenny Horton

FBM Presents the Shit Show 4.5 By Kenny Horton

Disclaimer, this is funny and can be abrasive to some sensitive viewers.

Outtakes, antics and riding from the FBM crew pieced together by Kenny Horton, Featuring Ruel Smith, AKA Wormz, Tom Blyth, Latane Latane, Eric Holladay, Gnarfarley, Evan Venditti, Neil Hise, Paul Horan, Savannah Dave, Jay Blaze, King Of Pillows, Cranpa, Rob Tibbs,Jackson Allen, Eric Hennessey A blow up doll, Space needle, a bunch of street urchins, kooks and screwballs.

Steve Crandall

Coffee sipping pilot of a red FBM frame and a Nikon camera.