A tale of some bro’s raising money for a friend in need…Rad times in Virginia Beach, despite hurricane Irene. We really didn’t think it was going to happen due to the wrath of a category three hurricane. Luckily Dave Lewis parted the sea, and the dutch. The sun shined bright Sunday morning, and everyone kicked their hangover goodbye and got to work, on either getting the ramps set up, or getting there buzz back on. John Held came through with what he could for the ramps, we showed up to chichos and fucking ruled it. Cheers to everyone who donated a buck, bought a t shirt, drank a beer, gave a high five, popped a wheelie, and had a rad time. We successfully raised exactly One Thousand Dollars for Mike Tag who is battling Lymphoma. Sean Meeker, and myself would like to thank Lloyd Welch, John Held, Chichos on 29th st, Crandall, FBM, Cult, Terrible one, Oddysey, Boardwalk bikes, Motoscum dudes, the one homie who got bucked first thing before the ramps even showed up, holler at me, I got you on free tees for life! Heres some photos that Howard Tarpey managed to take when he wasnt too intoxicated.
Thanks to Christian Hewett and Howard Tarpey for the coverage of an awesome weekend on behalf of Mike Tag.