I shot almost all these photos while driving an old American gas guzzler, traveling the countryside, with an older Nikon, and some over the counter film. Most of these photos were shot with one hand on the wheel, in between trying to focus the camera, and keeping control of a high speed (sorta) death machine.
Sometimes the horizon was staggered with mountains, sometimes with skyscrapers, valleys, oceans, waterways, or littered with Americana…
Some of the time, I looked forward and saw what was behind me, and other times, the view inside the vehicle was just as interesting as the landscape I was passing through.
Seeing the world through a dirty glass shield, and captured with a 50 mm lens was never something I intended on spending much time doing, but I am happy it happens.
Often with good friends, a bicycle in tow, and ending up searching for good times, I sometimes forget all of that is right there with me, with each click and wind of the camera, and digit spin on the odometer.