Declan Murray – can plant to nose pick can?? That could be completely wrong seeing as he does some wildly creative tricks. This was at FBM’s White Walls Jam and I was so stoked to be riding with all the people I’d met that I probably only put my bike down once that day and that was to try and get a snap of whatever off the wall trick @DECLANMURRAY was doing. check out his wild paintings / riding on
I took this photo of @logan_heiman right before he popped a tire trying to get a clip for a video we never ended up finishing. Logan was being a tour guide since this was my fist time cruising around Richmond, but a few spots in I think we ended up calling because of dead batteries/ a long walk back to the car. S/O to Logan for showing me around and always being down to ride!
Casey Smith is rad. He has a good time riding bikes and this windy and below freezing this day was no exception because @caseysmithsonian was still killing it and having fun.
If you follow me (@kalebbolton) on Instagram you know take too many photos of my bike. After a fresh coat of paint I was taking some photos and two neighborhood kids rolled up on me on with their Power Wheels and said they wanted to be in the photo. So I took this, hopped over their rides, and they went on with their cruise stoked.
Bar in the snow. It started snowing pretty hard and I figured a bar in the snow would make a good photo. I setup my camera and a one dollar thrift store flash in my backyard and had my little sister push the button until we got a good one. My camera was completely covered in snow but it was worth it.
Me and Jarett Houk met up at Williamsfarm skatepark as we did pretty often at when I was staying in VA Beach. We always got a clip/ photo when we rode so this day was no different. Jarett’s currently doing another round of training in the Marines. I rode with him a few weeks ago and he still shreds harder than ever.
My dog exploring a cornfield. Roey is awesome. She goes everywhere with me and my lady so chances are if you’ve seen me then you’ve seen her. There’s also a 98 percent chance she’s barked at you.
Fence ride. Living in the middle of nowhere where literally no one rides means you ride what you can and you have to make everything you want to ride. That also means you get pretty good at using the 10 second timer on your camera to get photos. I made a lip in a big ditch in my backyard and set the camera up behind the fence to get this photo.
I took this photo in Tree Man’s back yard while on a trip to Memphis with FBM. I’m couldn’t tell what “Tree Man’s” real name is, but I know hes one of the coolest people you will ever come across. He has the most dialed D.I.Y. ramp setup in his backyard and gave us a ramp to use at the Lucero Family picnic. Anyway, while looking in awe at the setup he has these kids ride into the backyard with a wagon and a bike interested to see who parked a black bus across the street from their house. I snapped this then Dillon Leeper and and Eric Holladay asked if he wanted some stickers for his bike, and he replied “….where dey at?” hahaha. So they hooked him up with FBM stickers and he pedaled down the street stoked.
I met Shane Buell (@alleycatofthecave) and Trenton Culver (@gingerking814) one night at Williamsfarm Skatepark when they came from PA to stay in VA beach for a while. Shane asked if I wanted to take a photo so we shot this right before it got dark.
Trey Jones one hander at FBM’s Lost Bowl Jam. No description needed. Trey RIPS! Deah.
@Eric_Holladay Pedal slide to turndown in Memphis. Holladay is way too good. He cranked this out first try; no problem. The FBM Memphis trip is the first trip I’ve been on, so it was crazy watching Eric and Dillon ride. Of course I knew they were good, but you don’t really realize how good people are until you ride with them at the same spots. Thanks Steve Crandall, Eric Holladay, and Dillon Leeper and FBM for bringing me along. It was definitely a good time!
Coffee sipping pilot of a red FBM frame and a Nikon camera.
This is the Least Most. We're into bikes, motorcycles, music, art, adventure, and building our own fun.
© 2025 The Least Most.