On a whim, and in a moment or two’s notice, I accepted a midweek invite to ride motorcycles, from Richmond Va. nearly 200 miles, to Duck North Carolina, on the Outer Banks, just a few miles north of Kitty Hawk.
The invite included a barely offseason night or two at a beach house. Sounded fun, why not?
Wednesday morning, I changed the oil on my semi trusty 30 some-odd year old Suzuki and followed My friend Sean, and two new friends, Joey, and Shaina, down route 5, heading east on the John Tyler memorial highway. It’s early spring, and this windey, semi rural route, made for a nice cruise.
The ride was nice, although my cycle hadn’t left city limits in over a year, was having some trouble in the carbs at about 4000 rpm’s and was spewing oil out of the leaky spot near my shifter, since I had added just a little too much while changing the oil… This made for a soaked, suede sneaker, with a nice oil sheen, and a slippery shifter- foot peg scenario. All in all, it was no trouble really, because it was a good time…
We crossed the Chickahominy river, rolled along the James River, and finally crossed it via ferry, near historical Jamestown, and Cobham bay. Ferry rides are cool, even in choppy brown river water. Cruising South and East, we managed our way just on the outskirts of the Va. Beach/ Norfolk congestion, crossing the high rise bridge in traffic, to a mixed smell of tidal river water, spring time, and exhaust.
The next part of the ride was an easy cruise into North Carolina, passing through Curritck, more waterways, the sound to the left, good times ahead.
Upon arrival, I was greeted by an empty swimming pool, and a full hot tub, beers, friendly faces and pizza. Fucking WOW!
The crew responsible for this mess, were the Hell Satan’s moped club, manned by Pat Lowery, and fellow good time bandits, all packed in the house, a block away from the beach. Antics include,but were not limited to, and almost immediately, heavy drinking, heavy shredding in the pool, A stick and poke tattoo party and one killer RZA impersonation.
Christian Hewett shot this pic for me! Thanks.
A big Thanks to Pat, and the crew, Sean McCormick for the invite, and all folks for a great time, new friends, old friends, it was an awesome, hospitable beach house party, I loved it.
For the ride home, Evan Venditti and I cruised out early Friday morning, trying to beat a potential rainstorm. We managed to cruise pretty quickly through small town Virginia along rt 460, , splitting lanes, and beating the rain. Stoked!