BEAT ASS: Lords of Fun 3 Preview

The original Lords of Fun trip took place in January 2008 with a motorcycle, bmx, side car trip through Virginia and the Outer Banks of North Carolina. A few years later, Lords of Fun 2 followed a similar course, adding a green limo and a moped for good measure.

This year, for Lords of Fun 3, the limo was swapped for a black school bus and a chihuahua. A gang of misfits from all over the country met up in Richmond, Virginia and headed south into the rain in search of open roads, concrete transitions, burn barrels and good times.

Fraser Byrne of Make Your Bones flew across the Atlantic to film the adventure and has put together a documentary covering the characters, the intention, and the antics of the trip. Take a look at the trailer to prepare yourself for the full-length release on Friday, December 13th.

Korey Kryder captured some great photos from the road that are used throughout the film. Check out a few choice shots…










Tune into the Least Most on Friday the 13th for the full BEAT ASS feature.

Jason Morris

Code slinger at leastmost and bmxfeed. Ramp building and lip trick enthusiast.