How to increase productivity at your trails by 30%

In one afternoon you can be well on your way to having all those sick lines
you had planned last season, that 10 foot tall backside you talked about
but quit digging at 6 foot, and tons of girls hanging out at your local
trails. All this, possible with one easy step, build a killer hut as trail
digging headquarters.

Heres how it works… The first step is actual construction of the hut, just
like building a double it pays to go the extra mile, go ahead put some drink
holders up, mount the mirror on the ceiling, it will pay off in the end.
With that in mind make sure there is ample sitting room, plenty of shade
from that hot summer sun, and most importantly a fire pit capable of long
burning ragers. The details are up for interpretation, again just like the
trails themselves, each unique from the next, go nuts.

When the hut is finished just sit back and watch it all go down. Within
minutes locals are saying ‘dude thats a sweet hut, I’d live in there’ or
‘damn check out that trail condo.’ Then the magic happens… locals are
digging more just to take more breaks in the hut, your buddies that don’t
ride are hanging out in the hut and when they get bored… they start
digging, locals are now coming out in the rain taking sheltered breaks in
the hut, digging even goes on after dark lit by campfire, bbq’s become a
daily happening fueling the diggers and their digging, all as the jumps are
piling high.

Last year no beautiful babies wanted to come out to your trails
sit in the dirt and drink natty ice with you and your ratty friends,
but when word gets around about the huge jumps and recent luxuries added and
that you are now drinking busch beers in bench seat out of an ’89 astro van,
an addition to the hut will be needed to house all the fine ladies showing up.

Follow these easy steps and in no time, you and the boys can bring life back
into that good old wooded lot this season. Cheers!
– Dusty Schauffler

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Focused on bikes, music, art, adventure and the overall pursuit of good times.