An amazing gallery of black and Whites by FBM professional BMX rider, Joel Barnett, from Props’ Mega Tour 10, last month is Texas.
“In the early days of March, I had the chance to elude the upstate New York winter and venture to Texas with FBM on Prop’s Mega Tour 10. I was really excited for this trip, but really had no idea who was on it, where we were going or anything of that nature up until the day I met up with the dudes. We set up camp in Stew Johnson’s back yard in Austin and took day trips here and there to maximize the fun output. We ate tacos, slid ziplines, played ping-pong, snapped mouse traps, rode some incredible spots, and ate more tacos. I could literally write a small book about how awesome this trip was and some of the crazy things that happened, but I won’t. I will simply say this: I am not a photographer by any means, but I love shooting photos. I tried to document life as I saw it and let the subjects do the talking. A HUGE thanks to everyone that made this trip so rad: Steve and all my brothers on FBM, Darryl, Keith, Grant and the BSD dudes, Corrigan, Clint, Joe @ T-1,Terrell Gordy, San Antonio Nick, Stew (extra thanks for everything), and of course CHIEF!”
Adam Guilliams, table, Private bowl outside of Austin.
Dudes... Chillin.
Eric Hennessey, Terrell Gordy, and Evan Venditti, Central Texas.
Evan, Eric, and Clint Reynolds.
Garrett Guilliams.
Kenny Horton, a burrito and the fun bus.
Clint Reynolds at Eastside.